

in hobbies,but we are still good friendsor We twothree have different hobbies ,but we are still good friendsor Although we twothree are different in hobbies,we are still good friends祝你开心如意。

What is your hobby?=== 亲~你好```^__^```很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步,身体健康,家庭和谐,天天开心有不明白你的爱好是什么英语的可以追问如果有其他问题请另发或点击向你的爱好是什么英语我求助,答题不易,请谅解如果您认可我的回答,请。

My hobby is reading Books are my good friends They broaden my scope and tell me many things Some are straight, some are interesting They let me know the world is beautiful I like to read story。

如何用英文表达lsquo你有什么爱好rsquo?下面是我给大家整理的你有什么爱好的英文,供大家参阅!你有什么爱好的英文 what are your hobbies?Do you have any hobbies?爱好的英语例句 1 Their friendship developed。

1你的爱好是什么?英语具体如下Whats your hobby?2例句My hobby is singing and dancing我的爱好是唱歌和跳舞3hobby的基本意思是“嗜好,业余爱好”,指人们在工作时间以外所从事的自己喜好的事情hobby是可数。

你想要问我的爱好是什么,的英语翻译You want to ask me what my hobbies are 你的爱好是什么?英语具体如下·What#39s your hobby?例句What#39s your hobby?你的爱好是什么My hobby is singing and dancing我的。

1 英语作文你的爱好是什么中文翻译 My favourite hobby I have many hobbies,such as ,playing pingpong,go shopping,surfing the Inter,go climbing the mountains ,watching Tv and so on But surfing the Inter is my favourite。


What#39s your hobby?My hobby is eating。

你喜欢什么what do you like? 或者 what do you love?你最喜欢什么what do you like best? 或者 what#39s your favorite ?你的爱好是什么what#39s your hobby。

My favorite sport is playing football 爱好的名词是hobby 直接说what#39s your hobby ? 更偏向于问其所有的爱好 还有一种 What did you do most in your spare time 你在闲暇的时候做的最多的是什么你有空的时候。

My hobby Do you have any hobbies?If not ,what do you do in the holidays I have many hobbies On weekdays ,when I study in school ,I play with my classmates Sometimes I play volleyball with them。

hobby读音英 #39h#594bi 美 #39hɑ#720bi单词变形1名词 hobbyist 2名词复数 hobbies 双语例句Angling is his main hobby钓鱼是他的主要爱好简介英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语。



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