

1、关于问路的英语对话一 AExcuse me, where is the nearest gas station?打扰英语问路对话了,最近的加油站在哪里?BGo along this street to the traffic lights沿着这条路走到交通灯那里ATo the traffic lights?走到交通灯?BThat#39。

2、关于问路的英语对话篇1 p1 excuse me劳驾,打扰一下p2 yes?怎么了?p1 can you tell me the way to parcesun street please?你能告诉我去parcesun 街怎么走吗?p2 yes, go along this road for about 100。


3、关于问路的英语对话1 苏珊 Excuse me英语问路对话! I am new to the campus Do you know where the student cafeteria is?打扰了我是新生请问你知道学校自助餐厅在哪里吗?凯西 Sure! Do you have a map?当然!你有地图吗。

4、问路的英语对话1A Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest subway station?B Sure, walk along this road to the end, and then turn right, you will see a high building, and the subway st。

5、有关于问路的英语对话1 AExcuse me,could you tell me the bookshop’s address?对不起你能告诉我这个书店的地址吗BYes,the bookshop is just around the cornerTurn left and you’ll see the bookshop当然。

6、问路英语对话1 A Excuse me, Where am I on this map?B We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the cityA Oh ! I think Irsquom lost Can I go from here to the railway station。

7、问路的常用英语对话1 APam, where#39s the closest ATM?帕姆,最近的自动取款机在哪儿?BIt#39s not that far Do you see that Yellow building over there?不远,你看到那边的那个黄色建筑了吗?AThe big one or the **。

8、关于指路问路英语对话一 TimExcuse me劳驾对不起,麻烦问一下Mei Yes?什么?TimHow do I get to the Sanlitun, please?我怎么去三里屯?MeiItrsquos not far Go straight on then turn right at the。

9、问路的英语对话短文1 AExcuse me Could you tell me the way to the Star Hotel?不好意思,请问晨星饭店怎么走?BYes Go down the main road You can#39t miss it喔,沿着大路往前走,就可以找到AHow。

10、英语对话教学是中学英语教学的重要组成部分,它对提高学生英语口语水平,培养学生的语言交际能力都有很大的作用我精心收集了关于问路指路英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于问路指路英语对话1 ACould you show me the way to。

11、问路英语口语对话 篇1 I stopped a man who was walking by to ask for directions我叫住了一位男士向英语问路对话他问路Lucy Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Cross Bakery building?女对不起,能。

12、有关问路的英语对话1 A Excuse me , could you tell me the way to the Summer Palace ?B Sure You can take No 9 bus A Well , now we should turn back a few kilometres B It seems。

13、英语对话教学是师生结成 学习共同体 合作解决学生发展问题的多向交流活动,强调从生命的高度重新整理英语教学观,让师生自由而快乐地实现各自的生命价值我精心收集了有关问路的英语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习!有关问路的英语对话。

14、How long will it take me to getarrive there? 到达那里将要花费我多长时间? How far is it? 那里有多远? 英语问路情景对话 Which bus should I take? 我应该乘哪一路公共汽车?5最后对指路人一定要致谢经典。

15、情境语境是英语对话教学中的一个十分重要的因素,在一定程度上直接影响着英语课堂教学的效果以及教学质量的高低我精心收集了英语问路情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!英语问路情景对话1 AExcuse me Can you tell me how to。

16、问路英语情景对话1 ASorry to trouble you Can you tell me how to get to the City Bank?麻烦您一下,到花旗银行怎么走?BIt#39s about two or there blocks away from hereB离这儿有两三个街区AHow。

17、AHi!喂!BHi!Do you need help 喂!你 需 要 帮 忙 吗 AYes,we need help是 的 ,我 们需 要 你 的 帮 助 AExcuse me,SirCould you tell us where the No5 Street?对 不 起 ,先 生 ,你 能。

18、二人问路英语对话1 johnwhatrsquos the cheapest way to go there?到那里怎么去最便宜?lilyby subway坐地铁johnoh, is that right? is there a subway station near here?哦,是这样吗?这附近有没有。



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