

1、面对面是最好的办法Face to face is best渐渐地,安东尼奥尼引导面对面英语我们与时空面对面,无所多余,也无所缺少Gradually Antonioni brings us face to face with time and space, nothing more,nothing less她说,ldquo。

2、Face to Face, CCTVNEWS 面对面是中央电视台的一档长篇人物专访节目,时长45分钟,每周日晚2130在新闻频道播出进入面对面的人物都是重量级的,他们中有新闻事件中的焦点人物,有新闻话题中的权威人物,有时代。

3、Chen Li 显然通过电话是不可能做到面对面交谈的Vicki No Telephone and email are not face to face Face to face means meeting in personExample A How#39s your new job going?B I hate it! I never。

4、面对面交流 facetoface communication 或 communicate with each other face to face 或 talk to each other face to face communication 也可以换成 interaction 或者 contact , 都是名词,表示交流 face to face 面对。


6、正文Face to face chat can be more real, facetoface chat can observe each other#39s realtime expression and expression, can capture each other#39s expressed feelings面对面的聊天可以聊得更真切,面对面的。

7、烟台有山木培训,咨询电话1 山木面对面英语 当今全球流行的英语学习方法,由山木培训英国分校引入中国其最大的特点就是“强迫式”教学,就如踏上跑面对面英语了步机,能够帮助学习者克服怯懦懒惰不能持久的弱点其学习。

8、这句的话wang1my mum is having a face to face conversation with mrmrs2,通常是被认为面对面交谈的,如果后面没有加through the phone 用电话交谈的话mrs,是说妈妈在和王老师交谈wangmy mum i。

9、面对面沟通与其他的沟通方式 决定哪一种沟通方式比较好,是面 对面沟通还是其他的沟通方式,如电 子邮件打电话等,要看个人对“比较 好”的定义的理解面对面沟通是最有 效的沟通方式,因为发生误会的机会 最小另一方面。

10、不是one to one ,one to one根本就是瞎说,中国式英语,一点都不地道 我是中外合办的专业,大一就是全面提高英语,不光从口语,从各个方面,我们有节课的名字就叫face to face,直译从表面上翻译过来是面对面,面对面英语你。

11、1更亲切有力地向audience展示和Promote观点 2 就像你现在做演讲一样,面对面可以拉近彼此的心灵距离,感染audience 3 面对面增加信服力某著名研究对比过短信email在线聊天写信和面对面聊天的利弊,建议查资料4。

12、When deciding between facetoface communication and other types, such as email and telephone calls, the kind of communication one thinks is better depends on the definition of “better” Facetoface。

13、1用英语说说面对面交流的优点那些 The advantages of facetoface communication are described as below1Responses immediately When people communicate each other in person, they can get a response immediately without misunders。

14、面对面交流好处英语 英语说是The advantage of face to face communication很希望我的回答会对你有帮助如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步。

15、面对面沟通的好处英语作文1 There are many different ways of communications, such as letters, emails, or telephone calls However facetoface communication still remains the most efficient way of communication。


16、I would have to agree that facetoface communication is the best type of communication Facetoface communication can eliminate misunderstandings immediately, cement relationships, and encourage continued interaction。



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