

创业1 v begin an undertaking start a major task 其它相关解释ltcarve out ltimbark 例句与用法1 他放弃了一份安定的工作而自己创业创业英语,表现出了极大的勇气He showed a lot of pluck to leave a safe;创业= 形容词 ENTREPRENEURIAL ADJ1 创业 THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF ANY NATION IS THE MECHANISM WHICH BRINGS TOGETHER NATURAL RESOURCES, THE LABOR SUPPLY TECHNOLOGY, AND THE NECESSARY ENTREPRENEURIAL AND MANAGERIAL T。

创业 1entrepreneurship 2carve out 3l entrepreneurship 4carve out,start,initiate;Venture 做创业带有很大的冒险投机意味enterprise nv enterprising adj entrepreneur n 这类词表示创业好些,表示自己不断的努力进取拼搏来创业事业, 并以最终成为企业为目标。


1、“大学生创业”翻译成英语就是university students#39 innovative undertaking quot大学生创业故事quot 翻译成英语就是 College Students#39 entrepreneurial story “北京大学生创业quot 翻译成英语就是 Beijing College Students。


3、Should graduate students start their own business or look for jobs创业英语? In my opinion, becoming a member of the workforce is far less desirable than owning a business Undeniably, enterpreneurship involves risks and。

4、我觉得start your own business比较地道一点,学徒里面经常听到呢 另外,英文里面有一个词叫entrepreneurship注意发音,应该也可以翻成创业的。

5、自己创业,英语是set up one#39s own business解释set up 英set #652p 美s#603t #652p词典 建立 准备 安排 引起例句The two sides agreed to set up a commission to inv。

6、the selfemployed can earn considerable profits with a successful business, losses can force them out of business and sometimes, place them in debt A third disadvantage concerns income security Self employed。

7、篇一关于创业英语作文范文 Sometimes we break through by cutting a hole into our resistance with our willpower, and sometimes we melt the ice with compassion for our predicament and ourselves Either way。

8、Selfemployment Job hunting has always been a headache for college students Though many graduates are employed right after graduation, some are not Most serious of all, some still have no idea where to go。


英语演讲,实际上与其他语言的演讲没有太大的区别演讲重要的就是打动你的听众我为大家整理了关于大学生创业 英语 演讲稿 3篇,欢迎大家阅读 关于大学生创业英语演讲稿篇1 Recently, the subloan crisis, Lehman Brothers bankrup。

set up英#712set #652p 美#712set #652p建立设置设立安装,装配,调试设备或机器创建安排组建产生开店创业引起安家开业引发陷害建起冤枉立业诬陷双语例。

我们该不该自己创业 对于学生来说,随着就业市场上的竞争日趋白热化,某些雄心勃勃的学生已开始尝试着去自己创业在过去几年中,已出现了诸多学生创业的成功案例,因此,此类尝试理应获得学校和整个社会的鼓励与推动那些自己。


创业者 1startup 2entrepreneur 3ESTP 4Inventor创业者企业家 1Entrepreneur企业家,创业者 1entrepreneur创业者,提倡者 1entrepreneur企业家创业者 1entrepreneur 2Entrepreneur n。

自己创业,英语是set up one#39s own business解释set up 英set #652p 美s#603t #652p 词典 建立 准备 安排 引起 例句The two sides agreed to set up a commissio。

“创业”start an undertaking do pioneering work startup capital 创业资本 她自己创业开了一家刻印店She started an engraving seal store。

标签: 创业英语


