

1、1 Good luck on your exam!祝你考试顺利2 Wishing you success on your test!祝你考试成功3 You’ve got this! Best of luck on your exam你能办到祝你考试顺利英文祝你考试顺利英文,祝你考试顺利4 I believe in you! Good luck。

2、“祝你顺利通过考试”的英文I wish you success in passing the exam success 读法 英 s#601k#39ses 美 s#601k#39sesn 成功成就胜利成功的人或事 短语 1promise of success成功的保证 2secret。

3、good luck be yours!这个可以用在任何情况good luck in the examination这个用在祝他人考试顺利the very best of luck in your business这个用在祝他人工作顺利i hope everything goes well in your life。

4、6十年寒窗苦,全待今朝验祝高考顺利Ten years of hardship,all to be tested todayi wish the college entrance examinationsuccess!7衷心祝福你在今年的高考中榜上有名,考入心中理想的大学I sincerely wish。

5、1愿灿烂的阳光,青春的活力,秀美的容貌,舒心的微笑永远属于你祝你考试顺利May the bright sunshine, the vigor of youth, the beautiful appearance and the comfortable smile belong to you forever! Good luck on。

6、下面是我收集整理的考试顺利的英语祝福语,希望对你有所帮助! 1, one year spent similar, each year is different every year, the college entrance examination this year is also the case, you are different, I wish you a。

7、Wish you good luck in your exam tomorrow不要按着死翻译,不然就很生硬了。

8、good luck to you 词汇分析good luck,英 ɡud l#652k,美 ɡ#650d l#652k祝好运 good adj 好的上等的优秀的n 好处善行复goods商品货物good比较级 better 最高级。


10、祝福考试顺利的英语句子1愿灿烂的阳光,青春的活力,秀美的容貌,舒心的微笑永远属于你祝你考试顺利May the bright sunshine, the vigor of youth, the beautiful appearance and the comfortable smile belong to you。

11、Congratulations! You have passed the test, and you have made great progress then We are proud of you! 或者Congratulations! You have already pass the examination, and you#39ve made rapid progress then you。

12、3面对机遇,不犹豫面对抉择,不彷徨面对决战,不惧怕Face opportunities, do not hesitate Face choices, do not hesitate Face decisive battles, do not fear!4美,是智慧,是静谧祝你聪明愿你上进B。

13、Good luck to me,please say that to me! In the exam,and always。

14、Congratulations on your success in the examination, you progress in learning, I am proud of you。

15、4祝福你!愿世间最美的事物永远陪伴在你的左右! Bless you! May the most beautiful things in the world always stay with you! 5预祝你考试顺利,并盼望届时听到考试通过的消息 I wish you a smooth examination and hope。


16、祝贺你!Miss you!怀念你!Wishing you happiness祝你幸福Best wishes致以最好的祝福Congratulations!祝贺你!Hoping you have a good holiday!希望你过个愉快的假日Best wishes for passing the examination!预祝你考试通过 贺卡。

17、恭喜你高中毕业!能达到这一段人生里程一定很兴奋吧,祝你前途无量!祝贺考试过关英文毕业祝福语 Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examination I beg you to take this little gift as a。


