

4例句No one can deny that smoking is bad for your health 不可否认,抽烟对健康不好。

吸烟对你身体有害英语是Smoking is harmful to your health“Smoking is harmful to your health”这句话可以用来向别人传达吸烟对健康有害的信息,提醒这些人戒烟或避免吸烟这句话的其他说法包括Smoking poses risks to。


高中英语作文吸烟有害健康 Smoking Is Bad for Health As we all know, there are many people smoking, although everyone knows smoking is harmful to us Giving up smoking is not easy but addicted to it is。

吸烟对健康有害 Smoking is harrnful to health 1吸烟对健康有害2改变吸烟的习惯并不容易3为了保护非吸烟者不受其害,应当采取措施减少吸烟的机会Smoking is harrnful to health Medical science has now。

Smoking is dangerous for your health!Somkeing is a danger to you healty!~。

不对,短语是 do harm to 可以说成Smoking does great harm to our health。

吸烟有害你的健康 吸烟对你的健康是不良的 去问你妈妈,这都不懂 Smoking is bad for your healthy 这句话中的“healthy”应该是“health”句子才是对的。

people should remember thatsmokingis harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible吸烟是个坏习惯,它对吸烟者和别人都有害很多疾病和癌症是有吸烟引起的,比如说气管炎。

Smoking A Bad Habit People smoke mostly in the form of cigarette Some people use even cigar, beedi, pipes etc All these contain dried leaves of tobacco plant A cigarette or any such thing is lit。

第一句“众所周知,吸烟对健康有害”的翻译是As we all known, smoking is harmful to health第二句“这就是我们去年所住的房子”的翻译是This is the house which we lived in last year希望时间来得及。

吸烟有害健康,他会引发许多疾病,如心脏病,肺癌 Smoking is harmful to health, it will lead to many diseases, such as heart disease,and lung cancer。

HealthBy Kaiser3344Health is far more important than wealth and wisdom Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our careerTo keep healthy,we should have a balanced diet。

of beautiful flowers,it is toxic有毒 flowersEither you smoke a lot every day or smoke fewerI suggest you don#39t smoke more cigarettes,because it is good for your health文章不难,应该适合你用。

虽然香烟盒上写着“吸烟有害健康”,但仍有大量的人继续吸烟,不能仅仅因为这是一种深深地融入他们脑海的坏习惯而放弃Undoubtedly,smoking is harmful to healthBecause an cigarette contains as much as twenty carcinogen。

甚至一些中学生也在抽烟 如今越来越多的人们已经认识到吸烟有害人体健康,但他们仍然乐此不疲为什么?一些人认为抽烟是一种时髦,另外一些人认为抽烟很有趣,还有一些人认为吸烟可以提神 事实上,吸烟是一种不好的习惯。



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