

1、它就相当于中文里故意英文的放聪明点 你也可以用坚酸刻薄的语气说 Wise up, please 然后故意把 please 的尾音拉得长长的也有人会说, Hey! grow up 意思就是你长大一点好不好? 例如有人二十岁了却还不会自己补衣服;故意的英文可以是deliberately,intentionally willfully deliberately on purpose,这些英文单词一般是用在了不同的句子里面语法学分形态和句法两个部分,形态的研究范围包括词类和各类词的构成词形变化通常说的词法包括复;故意刁难 词典 deliberately to place obstacles deliberately to make things difficult for others例句当保罗挖苦你是“著名的女侦探”时,故意英文我开始怀疑他是不是故意刁难你When Paul made the crack about the #39。


2、“故意损坏文物者”英文怎么说 A person who intentionally damages cultural relics 重点词汇释义 故意deliberatelywillfullyintentionallyon purposego out of the way 文物cultural relichistorical relic;Oh , look at that an intentional foul 哦,看看 故意犯规 Foupng intentionally is not one of the most beautiful parts of our game 故意犯规 并不是比赛中最美妙的一部分Current penalties for the;故意英文deliberately或 willfully 有意识地 或intentionally或on purpose或go out of the way望采纳,十分感谢问题七故意地,用英文怎么说?用deliberate 故意地 1 by design 2 meaningly 3 purposely 4;英语中可以说quotYou did it on purpose!quot 来表达“你是故意的”的意思;释义副特意,有意,存心有意识地那样做构成动宾式故意 例句她故意把声音提高,好引起大家的注意作状语她不是故意不理你,是没有看见你作状语同义蓄意有意有心 三英文翻译1;deliberately,adv 故意地 on purpose =by design 蓄意故意地 希望帮到你~。

3、故意 词典 deliberately willfully 有意识地 intentionally on purpose go out of the way例句如果我伤害了你的感情,那完全不是故意的If I#39ve hurt your feelings, it was quite without intention;表示“故意的”有go out of the way,by intention,on purpose表示“无意”的有without intention,by accident 1 go out of the way v 不怕麻烦故意 He went out of his way to be rude to me他;很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你故意英文deliberately或 willfully 有意识地 或intentionally或on purpose或go out of the way望采纳,十分感谢;I didn#39t mean toI was not on purposeI was not intentionalmean to 例句与用法1I#39m sorry I hurt youI didn#39t mean to对不起,我弄伤了你我不是故意的2Sorry,I didn#39t mean to frighten you;“你是故意的”翻译可以说You did it on purpose 有的人觉得可以直接用You did it purpose这样用语法上是没有错的,但口语中on purpose更常用;很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你故意英文deliberately或 willfully 有意识地或intentionally或on purpose或go out of the way望采纳,十分感谢;无心的英文not intentionally就这样以朋友的身份爱着你的英文So in love with you as a friend intentionally 读法 #618n#39t#603n#643#601n#601liadv 故意地,有意地 短语1intentionally。

4、on purpose 1并非偶然地, 故意地 I sometimes think that all his supposed mistakes are made on purpose just to annoy me我有时认为他犯的那些被信以为真的一切错误是故意为了气我2特地, 特有的目的 I came;故意地 1 by design 2 meaningly 3 purposely 4 advisedly 5 designedly 6 deliberately 相关解释intentionally, prepensely, purposedly, studiously, willfully, unnaturally, calculatedly, knowingly, in purpose。


