

天行健,君子以自强不息地势坤,君子以厚德载物A gentleman should generously cultivate to become tolerant just like the Earth bears everything on it!As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman;天行健,君子以自强不息,地势坤,君子以厚德载物 The movement of nature is strong and vigorous The gentleman should be resolute, strong and strong, and the momentum of the earth should be thick and smooth。

Virtue这个词有接近君子英文的意思,但也不能完全概括“君子”个人认为如果不能找到合适君子英文的词,可以君子直接翻译成THE MAN;gentleman act according morality,villain benifit take make contribution to our society as one#39s own responsibility lay down one#39s life for a just cause Be the first to feel concern about state affairs。

也就是说是汉语拼音的“君子”,印成斜体字表示这是一个外来语在英文版的论语心得中,特意加了这样一段于丹论语心得汉语原文中没有的文字来解释junziThe word junzi,which appears more often than any other;Gentleman是很合适你所说的意思的,君子外国叫绅士美德气质与礼仪并存的男人。

1gentleman 2real man,类似纯爷们 3a prince among men,人中圣杰,岂不是正人君子4a noble oneguyman3选15a noble character 6a man of noble character 7good guy 8a honest man 9a。


1、As Heaven’s movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along另外还有周易的英译本里,和李长全教授 的 译文请参考html。

2、正确的答案应该是这个,而且比较地道,欢迎质疑Good people are at peace with themselves,but there is no rest for the wicked纯手打,勿抄袭,附送一个其他你可能也会用到的,君子动口不动手a gentleman uses hi。

3、论语中“君子”什么的,都用gentleman子曰“君子博学于文,约之于礼,亦可以弗畔矣夫”Confucius said, “A gentleman who studies the classics extensively and restrains himself with the rites will not depart。

4、谦谦君子,卑以自牧开弓没有回头箭翻译成英文是Modest and humble, humble and self directed The opening of the bow does not come back。



If thy love the property,seek for it properly,and ues it thriftilyThy是古体的you 即君子 财产 cái chǎn 1 property 其它相关解释例句与用法1 我得到法庭认可重新拥有这笔财产I#39ve been authorised。

君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚A gentleman is open and poised a petty man is unhappy and worried。


君子以文会友,以友辅仁A noble person uses culture to make friends and depends on friends to support Humaneness君子和而不同,小人同而不和The true gentleman is conciliatory but not accommodating Common。

君子和而不同,英文翻译是Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity关于“君子和而不同”的理解如下君子在人际交往中能够与他人保持一种和谐友善的关系,但在对具体问题的看法上却不必苟同于对方出自论语·子路。


