

1、“猪八戒”英文pigsy 例句If you were expecting Tripitaka猪八戒英语怎么说, Pigsy and company though, you will be disappointed as thisdetails Monkeyquots adventures before he meets his band of brothersquot如果猪八戒英语怎么说你期待看见唐三藏猪。

2、猪八戒Monk Pig,本是天蓬元帅Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy,后因调戏嫦娥goddess in the moon被贬沙僧 Sandy,或者Monk Sha唐僧Tang Monk, Tripitaker Tripitaka 三藏经。

3、猪八戒Piggie 沙僧the Sha Monk 唐僧Monk Tang 猪八戒木母又名猪刚鬣猪悟能原为天宫中猪八戒英语怎么说的“天蓬元帅”,掌管天河水军因在王母瑶池蟠桃宴上醉酒,逞雄闯入广寒宫,企图调戏霓裳仙子,霓裳再三再四不依从,东。

4、唐僧师徒四人猪八戒英语怎么说的英文可以用quotMaster Tang and his disciplesquot来表达其中,quotMaster Tangquot指的是唐僧,他是故事西游记中的主要角色,也是四人团队的领导者和导师而quothisdisciplesquot则指的是他的三个徒弟猪八戒Pigsy。

5、孙悟空 monkey king 猪八戒 Pigsy 沙僧 Sandy 唐僧 Tripitaker 白龙马 white horse 参考资料html?an=0si=3。

6、猪八戒zhū bá jièone of the chief characters in “Pilgrimage To The West” who was supposedly incarnated through the spirit of pig, a symbol of man#39s cupidity 双语例句 1 Zhu Bajie in the body also。

7、猪八戒 one of the chief characters in “ Journey To The West ”Pronounced roughly seeyojzeeZhu Bajie 猪八戒, literally quotPig of the Eight Prohibitionsquot is also known as Zhu Wuneng quotPig。

8、孙悟空Sun Wukong 这是西游记英文版的正式翻译法,有时候也说the Monkey King猴王美猴王Handsome Monkey King 猪八戒one of the chief characters in “Pilgrimage To The West” who was supposedly incarnated through the。

9、猪八戒,沙和尚 Porcine eight ring, sand and monk 重点词汇 猪八戒one of the chief characters in “Pilgrimage To The West” who was supposedly incarnated through the spirit of pig, a symbol of man#39s cupidity。

10、猪八戒Zhu Bajie字面意思是Eightprecepts Pig或Eightprohibitions,通常翻译为PigsyMonk Pig或Pig,原为天蓬元帅Marshal Tian Peng,即天庭水军将官commander of Heavenly Naval Forces,由于调戏flirt with嫦娥。


12、这个翻译有一些Chinglish,但是书名还是可以的,也可以叫做Adventure to the West孙悟空就是Monkey King,也看到过猪八戒叫做the Pig Guy,沙和尚叫Monk Sha,唐僧就是MasterHope this may help参考资料。

13、佩奇 Peppa Pig 乔治 George 猪妈妈 Mummy Pig 猪爸爸 Daddy pig 小猪佩奇是一个可爱的小猪她已经四岁了,与她的妈妈,爸爸,和弟弟乔治生活在一起佩奇最喜欢做的事情是玩游戏,打扮的漂亮,度假,以及在小。


14、却不能够明辨是非3Pig lust, lazy猪八戒好色,好吃懒做4Drifting honest, hard working沙僧憨厚任劳任怨文学特色 西游记是我国文学史上一部最杰出的充满奇思异想的神魔小说作者吴承恩运用浪漫主义。

15、Eight exhortations of pig have a long mouth and a pair of big ears, a pair of shiny black eyes, a big head The body is very fat, but it is very lovely。

16、猪八戒 Piggy P for short A Tale of The Journey To The WestOnce there was true love for me, but I did not treasure it Now it’s too late to regret Nothing in the world can be more painful than。


18、cute, lazy, simple and honest,greedy for food and women。



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