

1client 读音英 #39kla#618#601nt 美 #39kla#618#601ntn 委托人客户 Now you can build the response to the client现在,您可以构建对客户端老客户英文的响应2customer 读音英 #39k#652st#老客户英文;商家客户能大老远来拜访就代表着对公司或公司产品的重视,所以一定要礼貌的表示感谢,以表示你对他们的尊重接待来访客户常用语句 1首先感谢对方远道而来如果是正式的访问团,你可以说“It is an honor and privilege。


I m your service,I would dutifully clean the room during your staying in the hotelI hoestly wish you go lucky with everythingif there is any need plz call 8123 to keep me informed;frequent callercustomer, regularold customer 常客老顾客是指经常频繁光顾的来访者或者顾客,所以不能用usual customer。

首先要自我介绍,然后说明原来的人为什么不干老客户英文了等等就可以了举个例子Dear MrMs客户My name is MrMS原来的同事has left our company and from now on I will take his position to continue with;客户维系的英文Customer retention 维系 hold together maintain 客户 connection custom customer 维系老客户 retention 关于客户维系的例句 With highly sophisticated modern production facilities , strict qual。

You have quite a lot of regular customer so far as I know据我所知,你们有许多老客户We always dislike refusing requests of any kind from regular customers,but regret we have no choice but to do so我们。


1、你是我的老顾客,我会给你最低的价格!quotYou are my patron, I will give you the lowest price我可是想告诉你一个消息,或许对你有帮助But I just want to tell you a news, maybe it#39s helpful to you我有给你。

2、“资深科长”,“资深工程师”等没有见过用“资深客户”的称呼如果是指长期合作客户“老客户”不失为一个好称呼如果是重要且有过长期合作,VIP 客户还是比较贴切另外把客户公开标签化是一种不尊重客户的表现。

3、i work at a fashion boutique,which is very welcomed by foreign visitors我在一个非常受外国游客欢迎的时尚服装店工作i work at a fashion boutique,and foreigners come 粻护纲咎蕺侥告鞋梗猫here frequently我在。

4、一老顾客常客 regular我们以往听到的“老主顾熟客”英文不会直翻成 old customers,而是 regularcustomers,因为 regular 这个单字就有“经常”的意思,可以用来形容经常光顾店面的客人,或是更简略的直称“常客”为。

5、This is Christina from xxxxx, checking through our record we note with regret that we have not had the pleasure of an order from you for quite a long time~ as my previous colleague xxxx is not available。

6、To express our gratefulness to all our customers, a series of promotional activities will be held in June by our company。

新客户 老客户 用英语

问题二“客户”英文翻译 Define 客户 kè hù 1 client Relative explainationsExamples1 他们给客户散发传单They distributed leaflets to customers2 这家银行现在给客户贷款比以前多了The bank is。

Thanks to the new and old customers love新,老客户们 New, old customers 新老客户们the old and new customers 诚信为本,诚恳待人,多年来赢得了新老客户们的一致好评Good faith, treating others with。

老客户 Existing ClientCustomer或者frequent customerRegular customer经常的客户新老客户们 如果用于发言致辞的开头,可用All ClientsCustomers或者Dear ClientsCustomers附言老客户 使用Old来翻译“老”是典型。


