

满意回答 Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you This is the latest product of the NOKIA I#39m sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance电子产品的英语, such as the。


关于电子产品的英语作文范文 Varieties of electronic gadgets电子产品的英语, without which some of us cant live电子产品的英语, come into being Despite their conveniences, they bring people much stress, so people have to balance their advantages and。

appropriately to make convenience and reduce their negative impacts总结,手机作为一种促进电子产品的英语我们生活的工具,我们应该正确的使用它,从而让它变得方便并减少它的负面影响下一页更多精彩“电子产品英语写作范文”。

quotElectronicquot在英语中的发音为 #618l#603k#712tr#594n#618k,其中重音在第二个音节上这个单词的意思是“电子的”,通常用于描述与电子技术电子设备或电子通信相关的事物拓展除了作为形容词使用。

Ten years ago few people had mobile phonesBut now mobile phones have become rather common ,even high school students may have one But is that a good thing We wondered It gose without saying that mobile。



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