

5Have you bought ___for Linda#39s birthday?Not exactlyJust some fiowersAsomething unusual Banything unusual Cunusual something Dunusual anything 答这题出得不好首先可以排除CD因为something选择题英语;1 The tomato juice left brown ___ on the front of my jacketC spot 2 Your nerve system can’t ___ between the imagine experience and a real oneC tell the difference 3 If this kind of。

1 D 根据句意选择题英语,用D because“因为”最好2 C escape在此题意思是“忽略”3 B 不带to选择题英语的不定式做see的宾语补足语,但如果是被动句时,必须要补上to 4 B carry on 继续 5 D “是否”做主语从句时;选择b do not you 解析题目中的need 是行为动词,反义疑问句需要用助动词do 呼应行为动词情态动词need只能用在否定疑问或条件句中另外,题目提供的选项do not you不符合英语习惯,应该用 don’t you12。

A cooking Bcook C cooker D cooked 选A cooking 说到烹饪我喜欢做鱼 3He sat opposite me, lost in A ideas Bmind Cthought Dthoughts 选 Cthought be lost in thought。



我的正确率还是很高的1 In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is _A worth__ the costA worth B worth of C worthy D worthwhile 2 Putting in a new window。

“选择题”和“多项选择题”的英文翻译_百度翻译 “选择题”和“多项选择题”Multiplechoice questions and multiplechoice questionsquot全部释义和例句试试人工翻译。

这就是中英两种语言文化的差异了选择题英语!multiple choice 译成中文,为了方便大家理解,叫单项选择英语multiple choice的表述意思是这题有多个备选项所以单项选择题=multiple choice 在各自的语言里,人们一般不会有疑问的汉语里的。

A和C 第一题说明sothat和suchthat的意思均为“如此以致”,都用来引导结果状语从句但二者用法不尽相同,现归纳如下1sothat结构中的so为副词,后面跟形容词或副词suchthat中的such为形容。

problems living in the central Australian desert,the lack lf water is the most serious oneA as B which C for which D where 选B,这是非限制性定语从句,先行词是problems,也就是物,可以排除A和Dfor whi。


1、你可以将它理 选择题英语他讨厌英语So does she 意为她也讨厌英语所以He knows little about western culture 是一个肯定句,你可以将它翻译成他对西方文化知之甚少,后面说我也是这样So do I另外,这题前面说。

2、multiple choice, 虽然译成多项选择,但不是我们理解的有几个选项都是正确的意思,而是说要多个待选项,而需要我们从中选择当然可以指单项选择。

3、5 Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and ___ to ruins,the city took on a new lookA reducingB reducedC being reduced D having reduced 5 C本题考查时间状语从句的省略用法句意。

标签: 选择题英语



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