

发生happen发生什么了英文, take place happen常指那些偶然发生什么了英文的或未能预见的事情“发生”有时还可表示“碰巧恰好”之意如A terrible earthquake happened in Taiwan on the evening of October 31stIt happened that I had no;问题六突然的出现 用英文怎么说 10分 suddenly appear 问题七刚才发生发生什么了英文了什么事用英语怎么说 What happened ju订t now发生什么了英文?这是常用口语我和国外朋友都这么说的 What#39s up just now?What#39s wrong just now。

同义词 occur When did the accident happen?事故什么时候发生的It’s impossible to predict what will happen next不可能预测接下来会发生什么She carried on as if nothing had happened她继续干,似乎什么都未曾;她问我发生了什么事?英文She asked me what had happened发生 英文happen occur germination occurrence arises。

发生 noccurrence v chance, take place, come to pass, start up, arise, eventuate, bechance, happen, occur, turn out, befall, transpire, come。


take place 多表示情况或事情按计划发生如The story took place in 1917故事发生在1917年happen 是常用词,指偶然或按计划的发生如When did the explosion happen?爆炸什么时候发生occur 是较正式的用词。

那里发生什么事了英文Something happened there 1没人知道那里发生了什么事No one knows what happened up there2博士 请不要介意我太好奇 但是也许你可以澄清一下 到底那里发生了什么事Dr Floyd, I hope you。

Are you OK? 你还好吗What happened to you?你怎么了What#39s come over you?你发生了什么啊What#39s wrong with you?你发生了什么事What#39s the matter with you? 你有什么事吗What#39s up? 什么事。

发生的英文是happen1释义 发生碰巧偶然遇到 2读音 英式读音#712h#230p#601n3变化形式 第三人称单数,happens 现在分词,happening 过去式,happened 过去分词,happened 4短语搭配 Something。

什么情况的英文翻译是What#39s up词汇分析释义怎么了,发生什么啦近来如何。

2what happened 发生了什么事,动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时3词汇发生occuroccurrencehappengerminationarises 什么事whatWhat#39s upWhat#39s the matter。

一发生了什么事 what happened what#39s the matter what#39s up 二实用短句What’s going on?怎么回事发生了什么事1The power went out停电了What’s going on?怎么回事发生了什么事2。




出了什么事了中文从表达上看是过去式,但是英语这句话的表达可分时态来翻译,如果事情发生在过去,可表达为What has happenedWhat was going onWhat was the matter如果事情发生刚过不久,或是正在发生,英文可。

What has just happened?What happened just now?都可以。

What#39s the matter?What#39s wrong?What happened?这三种讲法都是“怎么了,有什么事吗,发生什么事情了吗”的意思,楼主可以任意选择使用^__^。



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