

1 是You shouldn#39t eat anything in 24 hours2 因为in可以加时间段,一般用在将来时里,表示在接下来的一段时间里如 How soon will your father come back? In three days3 for+时间。

初中英语对话材料篇五 have a thin skin 爱面子 AWhy are you so interested in the girl?A你为什么对那个女孩这么感兴趣?BI#39d like to take her to the partyB我想带她去参加舞会AShe has a thin。


In the yesterday evening, my family neighbor looked all night the soccer competition, has affected my studyBecause must study earnestly, therefore I can not but go with them to exchange, is called them。

quotThe True Story of Ah Q quot have displayed society of a Chinese Revolution of 1911 front and back abnormal Chinese and a group of abnormal Chinese#39s real face to us Its announcing, has specially appointed。

英语口语 一主观原因 1不愿意说英语 一般来说,高中生处于青春期,在心理和性格上有很强的自我意识自尊和爱面子的心理让他们羞于主动说英语,遇到挫折会感到沮丧尤其是对于一些天生内向的学生来说,他们在英语口语。

爱面子 have a thin skin 爱面子 AWhy are you so interested in the girl?A你为什么对那个女孩这么感兴趣?BI#39d like to take her to the partyB我想带她去参加舞会AShe has a thin skin I bet。


怕丢人who cares别太在意你的表现直面对方的眼神,你甚至可以当做照镜子,你只能看到满满的自信在里头3礼貌Shake hands一个都不能少对于爱面子讲礼仪的老外来说,impolite这点可以致命,不要你谄媚的低三。

就是face, prestige, reputation 啊 如爱面子be keen on facesaving 保全顾全面子 save face 丢面子 lose face 给面子 give face to sb 面子问题 matter of faceissue concerning one’s reputation。



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