

1 To Make Marinade 腌汁做法 Combine 1 tablespoon wine做法英文, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon oil and 1 tablespoon cornstarchwater mixture and mix together Place chicken pieces in a glass dish or;act v侧重做事,行为 n action 动作behave v侧重行为 n behavior 行为,言行举止perform v比较侧重 表演,登台什么做法英文的n performance 表演。

Ingredients A750 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of rhubarb rice, 120 grams of peanut kernels and 200 grams of vegetablesBReed leaves 1 bundle, 25 jujubes做法如下The practice is as follows1;英文 1Stirfry sesame seeds in a pot, crush the rolling pin don#39t use the cooking machine, and the rolling pin is not thorough, so it#39s better to eat and look good2Hawthorn cake is crushed。

1 The black fungus, yellow bubble open standby2肉片放适量酱油少许鸡蛋清一般一个鸡蛋清的一半淀粉,拌匀锅里放适量油,把调好的肉片放在里面溜一下略为生点,用碗盛起,放一边 2 Meat sauce;Smalltalk sauerkraut fish Raw material grass carp or carp, grass carp is the best, a斤半heavier is better Sauerkraut 1 I say one, because大头菜do sauerkraut are generally a one pickledSteps1, clean。


英语写酸辣土豆丝的做法prepare material准备材料To cut the potatoes into neat big chip, this is the point of wire cut into uniform将土豆切成整齐的大薄片,这是切出均匀的丝的要点Chips then cut into。

Method to produce a glass of fresh orange juice做出一杯新鲜的橘子汁的做法 First, select your favourite oranges首先,选择做法英文你喜欢的的橘子Next, peel the orange接着,把橘子皮剥掉Then, simply squeeze them。


原料Raw material南瓜要粉粉的那种,不要太嫩的,直径20cm左右的可以吃两顿,咸鸭蛋黄3~5个蛋黄选那种油多点的红蛋黄好Pumpkin powder powder of that kind of, don#39t be too tender, diameter 20 cm。

烧烤风味的烤翅的做法 1鸡翅用清水洗净沥干水份 2用刀在鸡翅两面分别划3道口子装碗中,将烧烤料食用油生抽放入碗中,用筷子拌均匀,腌制30分钟左右 3腌制好的鸡烤箱220度预热10分钟,然后将装有鸡翅的烤盘放入。

25句英文介绍一个菜的做法 Shui Zhuyu the procedure 水煮鱼的做法 1, kills the fish the cleaning, chops from beginning to end, the pie用英语介绍一道菜的做法,最好有中文翻译,初三左右水平。

To make red meat, you need to prepare the following raw materials pork with skin, onion, ginger, garlic cut a little, eight jiao, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, sugar, old soy sauce, soy sauceMethods of。


1、can sprinkle pepper,salt while fry it油煎荷包蛋 用料鸡蛋1粒,酱油少许 做法将鸡蛋打入碗中,烧热锅放入油放下鸡蛋煎,可以煎至半生熟,或全熟,或两面金黄放入些酱油在煎蛋时或可以洒些胡椒粉,细盐。

2、Practices 做法meat and mushroom slices, respectively 1 肉和香菇分别切片 2 meat, salt, cooking wine and mix well on the wet starch slurry 2 肉用盐料酒拌匀,浆上湿淀粉 3 with cooking。

3、饺子面粉水猪肉韭菜鸡蛋鲜虾仁发好的香菇葱姜末芝麻油酱油蚝油料酒盐糖鸡精 二饺子的做法Making dumplings1Put the water and flour into a bowl and make a smooth dough,Set。

4、辅料葱1段 Supplementary material onions 1 调料食盐适量 鸡精2克 料酒5克 生抽5克 水325克 The amount of chicken seasoning salt 2 grams mirrin 5 grams of soy sauce 5 grams, 325 grams of water 馅饼的做法 Pi。

5、把白菜切成大块,放入盐,静置半小时,倒出水分,加入苹果片葱姜末辣椒粉和糖,拌匀 把糯米粉加水在锅里熬制 成糊状,晾凉后倒入并拌匀最后用保鲜膜密封,腌制4个小时左右以下是百度翻译的 Cut the cabbage。

6、1西红柿炒蛋 ingredients1 2 eggs 14 t salt pinch of pepper 2 3 tomotoes, cut in chunks 18 t salt 1 c water 2 t ketchup 1 t cornstarch chopped spring onion method1 Beat the eggs。



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