

1、我的父亲英语作文1 I think my father is a kind man, he love help people, and always forget to do something for himself He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that That always make us happy。

2、篇一介绍我的爸爸英语作文 My father is a great person He is a hero in my heart He is tall but not strong He is a driver He often talks a litte and seems that he is serious Actually, som。

3、1 我的爸爸 英语作文 There is always a brilliant image living in my heart That is my dear father Seen through the eyes of many other people, father seems to be a very ordinary person But he is。

4、我的爸爸小学英语作文带翻译篇1 My father is a medium size moderate, wear a pair of myopia glasses, looks very serious In fact, my father is very kind, also very lively He likes watching sports, lov。

5、I like my father very much,because my father is not only my father,but also my good friend 我非常喜欢我的父亲,因为我的父亲不仅是我的父亲,也是我的好朋友作文一原文My dad is a tall and fat。

6、我的父亲英语作文80词篇一 My father was born in 1962, in He Bei He began working at the age of 22 He is good at English, Math,Music and PE, but he doesn#39t do well in science He likes sports。

7、我的爸爸英语作文一My FatherHi, my name is Cindy I have a good father I like him very muchMy father is a policeman He is tall and strong He looks very cool in the black police uniform He works in the。

8、是父亲撑起了一个家,给予了我们温暖,下面是小编为大家带来的有关我的父亲儿童英语作文5篇我的父亲 Home very late tonight, dad, the day slowly becomes dark, the fragrance of osmanthus flowers also disappeared。

9、我的爸爸英文作文My father was born on June 1 children#39s dayMaybe this is why he never grows upAlthough he is 35 years old, he still has a sense of mischief and humor like a childMy father。

10、他留着短发我爸爸很瘦他只有五十公斤他非常喜欢学英语他每天都学英语我父亲喜欢看电视His favorite television channel is CCTV10, because he can learn a lot English from the program Outlook English at。

11、我的爸爸是一名办公室职员,他很高,他有着一个圆脸小鼻子小耳朵和一张宽大的嘴巴,他最喜欢的衣服是一件黑色的西装,白色的衬衫,黑色的西裤和一双黑色的皮鞋 我喜欢我的爸爸 纯属个人创作 2 我的爸爸 英语作文怎么写 My。

12、we have much more time together我的爸爸是一名普通工人,他在很远的地方工作一年里,我只有两个月的时间能和他待在一起他一般会有两个或三个月的冬假,因为他工作的地方十分寒冷,在那样寒冷的天气里人们是干不。

13、我的爸爸英语作文我的爸爸个子很高,长得很帅头发很多,乌黑发亮,高高的鼻梁上架着一副眼镜,眼睛看起来炯炯有神My father is tall and handsome His hair is very black and shiny He has a pair of glasses。

14、中文翻译我的父亲是一个善良负责的人他在一家建筑公司担任工程师在业余时间,他喜欢阅读和运动他经常帮我做家庭作业,给我提供生活建议我非常敬仰他,并感谢他的支持作文 篇2我的母亲My mother is a。

15、相信每个人都爱自己的爸爸,而我的爸爸不仅对我严格,有时他的脾气还很善变I believe everyone loves his father, and my father is not only strict with me, sometimes his temper is very changeable有一次我只考。




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