

Not only we can feel the nature欣赏风景英文,also we can enjoy this landscape。

beautiful fantastic奇妙的棒极了fanscinating fairyland #180f#603#601ril#230ndn仙境欣赏风景英文,奇境 湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 依山傍水 enclosedsurrounded by the hills on one side and waters。

“欣赏美景”的英文翻译是enjoy the beautiful scenery和enjoy the viewenjoy的英式读法是#618n#39d#658#596#618美式读法是#618n#39d#658#596#618只作动词意思是 享受喜欢scenery的。

答案观赏风景 Enjoy the scenery 欣赏风景用英语怎么说一般现在时欣赏风景 enjoy the scenery 欣赏风景 enjoy the scenery “欣赏美景”用英语怎么说 欣赏美景 appreciate for the beautiful可要可不要 scenery enjoy t。

看风景的英文是see the sight enjoy the scenery sightseeing sightsight,英语单词,名词形容词及物动词不及物动,作名词时意为“视力景象眼界见解”,作形容词时意为“见票即付的即席的”,作及物。




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