

最伟大的发明英语作文 篇一 The invention of the wheel is undoubtedly one of the greatest achievements in human and functionality revolutionized transportation, allowing for easier movement of goods, people, and ideas Fr。

发明的9年级英语作文1 There are many inventions that have changed the world so much Here is a short introduction For example, a digital camera was invented by Steve J Sasson It was invented in 1975。

1 我最喜欢的发明的英语 作文带翻译 My favorite Invention We knew there had been many inventions last century,for example,telephone,phonograph,airplane,puter and so onWhat#39s my favorite invention?I think m。

the computer may touch the lives of everyoneEven people in faraway villages在现代生活中,我们有许多发明这些都是很有用的他们可以做的更好,比人快洗衣机可以帮我们洗衣服我们有更多的时间去做我们想干这。

发明是人类的智慧和创新思维的产物And today I have invented something A thermal water bottle今天我发明关于发明的英语作文了一个小东西 一个电暖水壶It#39s not just oridinary water bottle, It has got external batteries。

正文My little invention我的小发明I don#39t want to get up every morning I always want to sleep in我每天早上特别不愿意起床,总想睡懒觉Even if my mother called me again and again, I was reluctant。

火药,火药是我们发明的What does gunpowder bring us?火药给我们带来什么东西呢It brought fireworks, firecrackers, fireworks, mining, and aerospace带来了礼花带来了鞭炮用于制造烟花爆竹用于采矿,还有用于航天。

爱迪生的发明英语作文篇一In the early nineteenth century, people began to use gas gaslight, but the gas pipeline supply by a leak or blockage, very easy to have an accident, people for illumination of。


There are many inventions in the world,but my favorite invention is the computerAs a student the computer helps me a lotWith the computer,I can find lots of information I need 世界上有很多发明,但我。



因此,未来我想发明一种非常非常小 只以纳米计的机器人,它能深入到人的每一个毛细血管中,就象疏通河道的挖掘机 推土机一样,去清理人的血管,它将血管及血管壁上的废物完全清理干净 只要人定期使用我发明的机器人清理血管,那。

小发明改变大世界的英语作文 Good morning,everyone关于发明的英语作文! Today I#39m going to talk about inventionsInventions are created every day because people would like to make life easierThere are famous inventions like the TV。


this Robert will hit the market with a great sucess prospect 这是我们团队发明的机器人它有160厘米高和2个大眼睛 它非常强壮,根据我们的实验结果,可以举起100公斤重的货物此外,它还有两项其他的功能第一个。


