

1、Hundred 百岁 In one’s teens 在某人十三至十九岁时 In one’s twenties 在某人二十至二十九岁时 In one’s thirties 在某人三十至三十九岁时 In one’s forties 在某人 四十至四十九岁时;3th的英文是 Thirtythird That I hope he has a happy thirtythird birthday, and I hope he lives a long life, inorder to stand as an example to other men of how to be a generous, loyal andloving;几岁用英语how old 例句 How old is your mother? 您母亲多大岁数了 How old is the old man? 这位老人有多大年龄了 扩展资料 How old were you then?你那时多少岁How old was the。

2、it#39s impossible,7 is integer2, CANDY 这个单词用两个单词拼写,你能想出来吗?can and andy 3, 一个男人是1955年出生的,今天他仍然健在,年龄是33,这怎么可能呢?现在56岁he is 56 now4, 有两个美国人在;do you like children? is your age between 20 to 30? are you hard working? if your answer is yes, we have a job for you, that is to be my daughter#39s teacher please call this number to reach me;这是我的妈妈,她今年33岁,身高160cm,是一名公司管理 This is my mother She is thirtythree years old and 160cm tall He is a company manager;但Science例外,缩写为Sci,可能是因为元音之后又是元音E的缘故缩写刊名每个词首字母必须大写,而不可全部都用大写或小写英文写作中数字的使用规范 虽然罗马数字的一些用法已经被很好的固定下来,事实上,所有没具体说明。

3、Zhang ** just got off, was suddenly arrested for theft suspects Tanmou 33 years old, Guangxi stabbed with knives attacked from behind, then scuffled with the two sides, Zhang * * won the knife fight;我叫史宏慧今天33岁,曾经在烟台喜星电子有限公司是做苹果软件工作了两年用英语表达是My name is Shi Honghui, 33 years old I used to make Apple Software at Yantai Xixing Electronics Co, Ltd I have。

4、提问How old are you你多大了你几岁了 回答I am three years old我三岁了He is four years old他四岁简略一点回答也可以直接说,I am eighteen或者直接回答数字。




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