

1、问题一请问“无奈”用英语怎么表达 helplessfrustratedresignated 问题二“无奈的”或“我感到很无奈”英文怎么说 I can#39t just help to do it问题三“很无奈” 怎么用英语表达 要看在什么情况。

2、“无奈”的英文翻译however 读法英 ha#650#39ev#601 美 ha#650#39#603v#602释义1adv 无论如何不管怎样接副词或形容词然而可是 2conj 无论以何种方式 不管怎样 but howev。

3、helpless 英 #712helpl#601s 美 #712h#603lpl#618sadj无助的无能的无用的六亲无靠 无奈 Often he teased me till my temper went and I stamped and screamed无奈的英文, feeling furiouslyhelpl。

4、无奈 wú nài 1 cannot help but 2 however 例句与用法1 老年人常出於无奈而独自生活As an old person, one is often condemned to live alone。

5、无奈的英文怎么写 cannot help but 无奈的英语例句 1 There was no grief in his expression, only deep resignation无奈的英文他的表情里没有悲痛,只有深深的无奈2 In the midst of his feelings of impotence, a。

6、无奈的英文cannot help buthave no choice cannot but, cannot help, cannot help but这组词都有“不得不,不禁”的意思,其区别是1cannot but 后跟不定式连用,是一种较正式的用法,主要用于美国英语2cannot。

7、无奈的英文你好,可以用形容词helpless 例Parents often feel helpless, knowing that all the hugs in the world won#39t stop the tears家长们常常感到无奈,知道世上所有的拥抱也不能止住眼泪如果还有其他英语方面的问题可以在。

8、无奈的全称是无可奈何,对某事无可奈何就是对某事什么都做不了,can do nothing应该是最贴切了不忍心,也就是下不了手,做不到,所以事实上can#39t do会比较贴切有时候贴切的英语不一定是复杂的词组啊。

9、有很多,还得根据具体的语境和要表达的意思选择合适的用法譬如cannot help buthave no alternativehave no choicehowever 共和党无奈之下,只好使出全力对付我The republicans had no choice but to throw the。

10、表达心累又无奈的英文,人这一生难免会有感到心累的时候,当我们心累时没有诉说烦恼的地方,我们只能把心累转达成句子来表述自己的情绪下面我就给大家分享表达心累又无奈的英文句子 表达心累又无奈的英文1 1Moving forward can’t go。

11、无奈的英语是 helpless,without choice,frustrating,人生无奈 可以译为 Life is frustrating 但英语有句更生动的同义俗语Life is like going up a creek without a paddle其大概意思是 人生就像无桨划船逆水上小溪。

12、英语表示无奈的句子推荐 这是一篇有关于表示无奈的英语句子的文章,希望此文能让您有所收获 1You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself你不该这么苛责自己的`2While this is very cruel, but it is also no way。

13、无奈的 翻译成英文是helpless helpless child无奈的小孩例句无奈的我,只能在这里守侯与等候,却不能做任何,而我的唯一能做的,或许只有为我们祈祷,坚定心里的信念Helpless I will wait and wait only here。

14、无奈 cannot help but have no alternative have no choice 词典例句We had no choice but to do what we were asked出于无奈, 我们只得照要求的做了He would have helped us but that he was short of。

15、I can do nothing about it either I have no idea about itI can#39t do anything anywayThere#39s nothing I can do , anyway I got no way都可以的哦,希望能帮到你。

16、laugh reluctantlyreluctantly do sth no more than 都可以表示“无奈,无可奈何”的意思 当逼迫人们谈论的时候,得到的普遍回应顶多则是无奈地耸耸肩而已When pressed,a typical response is no more than a resigned。





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