

1、The age structure of China#39s population has access to the old age, aging population after substantial increase in health led to the tremendous impact of the health needs of people, elderly medical, nursing the;Nowhere is that more true than in the areas surrounding the capital, Buenos Aires, where kidnappings quadrupled in the past two years Angry Argentines are once again taking to the streets to demand change;范文1 With the increase in the general standard of living, some ordinary Chinese families begin to afford a car Yet opinions of the development of a private car vary from person to personSome claim that。

2、通过下面现状英文的表格我们了解下statestatus的含义发音和用法 接下来我们讲解几个用例,希望这些用例可以加深您的理解 ###stateThe state of this house is terrible这个房子的现状很糟糕They;The distribution and number of giant pandas are decreasing day by day, the most important reason is a large number of habitat loss, habitat loss is caused by the growth of population, agricultural reclamation;“国内外现状”的英文翻译是Domestic and international status quo~。


3、我们需要三个地球不久前,联合国组织400名科学家进行了第4次全球环境综合审查,审查的结果一如既往不容乐观,不过这次有了一个更新和具体的说法按照现在的地球的负荷,我们需要3个地球才能满足人类的持续发展数据印证了;问题三现状是什么意思现状英文? 2 问题四执行情况是什么意思 也就是记录企业是否有违法涉及官司正在或已经被法院执行的记录 主要是 一违反工商行政管理法律法规,从事违法经营活动,被工商行政管理机关立案查处的处罚信息记录内容。

4、拉现状, 维持现状status quo ante拉原状, 以前状况accounts status帐务状况amateur status业余身分available status准备情况base status盐基值business status营业状况card reader status卡片读出状态channel status通道状态citizenship status;美国现有两千六百万黑人,占美国人口的百分之十一点七现状英文他们都是十六七世纪的黑人奴隶后裔三四百年来,黑人在美国,经历过独立战争南北战争开发美国西部的斗争,以及第二次世界大战等难忘的岁月,以他们的血汗和泪水;how to restore the balance如果我们能忍耐过去,上天会给我们指示该如何去改善现状的We Rotarians share the belief that love for others does make a difference我们扶轮社员们都相信关爱别人的确会改善现状;present status 现状 for the present 暂时,目前 present something at someone 举枪对准某人瞄准,用武器对准某人 present time 目前现在时时态present at 出席在场 at the present time 目前 birthday p;On Current Situation and Countermeasures of Ebusiness Development of Small and MediumSized Enterprises in China Ebusiness is the basic economic formation of the 21st century’s trade activities Some evidences;Current Status of and Suggested Countermeasures for Sorting, Collection and Processing of Household Garbage in xx City With the advantages of the quotDevelopment of the West Regionsquot, the development of XX city has。

5、地位高的英文high status 相似短语1present status 现状 2social status 社会地位 3legal status 法律地位 status 读法 英 #712ste#618t#601s 美 #712ste#618t#601s,#712st#;针对高一学生听力不好的现状范文是With the development of society, English is becoming more and more important in our daily lifeMany students spend more and more time learning English, but they may encounter;2Sports situation体坛风云,体育情景,运动情境,体育情境,Situation Room战况室,情况室,situation analysis形势分析,情况分析,现状分析,情境分析,persistent situation持久状况二单词造句1The research project;A绿色信贷的B发展现状和C应用研究“在我国”为定语,定语后置 Current Situation of Development and Application ResearchStudy2选1 as可要可不要 of Green Credit in China 标题,各单词首字母。



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