



3、He is ill He seems to be sickHe was illHe#39s sick 都可以他生病了用英语怎么说的,就看你的具体的使用环境了。

4、be sickill 如他病了 He was sick ill要是之精神上得病,或者指别人内心有疾病也可用SICK 比如You are sick 这句话既可以指此人是生病了,还可以理解为“你真有病,你真恶心”的意思。

5、2 takecatch均可表示“生病”,且含有“感染”之意美国人多用take,英国人多用catch例句Mary takes cold easily 玛丽易患感冒 Towards the end of the year, his son caught scarlet fever 快到年底的。

6、He was sick last week he was ill last week he was not feeling well last week 这应该是最常用的几种, 希望能帮助到你。

7、问题五她生病了用英文怎么说 She is ill 问题六他生病了用英语怎么说 He is ill问题七我生病了,病得很严重用英语怎么说 I got sick, seriously ill问题八quot得了病quot用英语怎么说 I have。

8、近来他生病了,如果他病没好,就用进行时态 如果只是叙述这个事实,就用一般过去时 如果他病了强调他身体不好,就用完成时态He was recently illHe was being ill recentlyHe has been ill recently。

9、实在实在不会写了英语不好不好意思,不知道帮不帮得了你,但我已经尽力了,你看看吧对你有没有用3 初中英语作文,词句“我生病了”用英文怎么说 我生病了,英文是 I Am Sick 范文你可以。


10、他在去非洲时患了疟疾He put a maid in to look after his sick wife他雇了1名女仆来照顾她的病妻语法sick的基本意思是“有病的”,在英式英语中只用作表语,而在美式英语中则既可用作表语,也可用作定语,常用。

11、不可以 生病了 Be sick get illness 生病,表一些疾病 But,if a man often drinks too much,he will get illness,such as gastric ulcer andcirrhosis of liver because that too much alcohol can damage internal organ。

12、He is ill,he can#39t go to school He is ill so he can#39t go to school He can#39t go to school beacuse he is ill He can#39t go to school beacuse of the illness The reason why he can#39t go to。

13、她生病在家几天了 Her head is pounding 她头痛 His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills 他的症状包括没有食欲体重减轻非常疲倦发烧和发冷 He feels。

14、He iswas sick,so he goeswent to see the doctor或者 Being sick,he goeswent to see the doctor。

15、He got sick yesterday, didnt go to school 一般英语里面 生病是 get sick, 很少用illill一般是指比较严重的病, sick指轻微的头疼脑热,感冒类的如果要用because句型的话, 这样讲He didnt go to school。

16、3 他因为生病,所以才缺席His illness accounts for his absence4 尽管生病,他还是来参加会议He came to the meeting despite his illness5 他生病倒是因祸得福,因为后来他和他的护士结了婚His illness。

17、from school today as a result of his illnessHis illness today leads to his absence from school另外,你把句中用的be absent fromabsence换成 go to school来表示,是不是又可以增加和多句子呵呵。



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