

初一写人英语作文写人的英语作文 范文 篇1My friend Li Yan,my best friend,is my classmate She has big eyes Her long hair is often plainedSweet smile is often on her face,which makes her more livelyLiNan is;总结关于描写人物的英语作文怎么写,这还要归结到英语作文写人我们的日常生活,英语作文写人我们要多观察人物的特点才能写好这类作文 写人的英语作文 there is a way, so my father picked me up from school every day On the way, I told father every。

My grandfather is very kind to me He loves me very much I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework;篇一小学四年级写人英语作文 My friend Vivi is a lively and smart girl,she has long black hair and she is a tallest girl in our classShe is warmhearted and good looking so that everyone loves her。

写人物的英语作文篇一 My grandfather is very kind to me He loves me very much I am the apple of his eye,but when it comes to my study he is very strictEvery day he spends more than one hour e;题目 我的英语老师 1我的英语老师三十几岁,她中等身材,脸上总挂着微笑,给人一种耐心随和的感觉2她热心于教育事业,备课认真,课讲得好我们上课很认真3她经常给因病缺课的同学补课每当我们有困难时就向。

3 英语写人的作文 The name of the friend i admire is Latiha, one reason i admire him is because of his honestyWhenever i am confuse, to know the true position of any issue i go to himAnother, reason why i。



1、My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speakWith her eyes,she observed my mood,gave me courage and made me strongTherefore,I could face difficultiesWhen I was a baby learning to walk,my mother。

2、描写人物的英语作文1 I am a student of xiao No2 primary school I#39m in class 1, class 3 Come to me!My eyes are big, my nose is small, my mouth is small, but I love to say that my face。

3、关于高二写人的英语作文带翻译2 My grandfather is very kind to me He loves me very much I am the apple of his eye,but when it comes to my study he is very strict Every day he spends more than。


I have a sister, her name is Linda Smith His last name is Smith, his name is Linda He is 17 years old this year, she was in high school, she is very beautiful I really love her, she often。

高中英语作文写人篇1 My mother is the most important person for me Maybe she is very ordinary in others eyes, but she is special for me She gives me life and a happy life She takes part in ever。

My uncle is very humor I remember once uncle, aunt and so on the good people to my home help my mom#39s birthday, buy a big cake, do a desks Time of have a meal, I go to uncle there to hold。

1 写人的英文作文 My friend I have a good friend She is a pretty girl She lives in Jiujiang She is a middle school student She has big eyes, a *** all mouth, a *** all nose and a。

外国老师的课真有意思,我喜欢,我决定要上英语课 7 一篇写人的小学英语作文 Miss Li is my Chinese teacher She is about thirty years old She is very pretty and young Her hair is brown and curly Miss Li。

写人的初一英语作文范文一 My mother is an ordinary woman,who is 158 meters tallWith kind appearance and good manners,you will feel that she is very amiable and noble if you meet her As far as I。



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