

One day the Hare laughed at the short feet and slow speed of the Tortoise The Tortoise repliedquotYou may be as fast as the wind龟兔赛跑英语作文, but I will beat you in a race!quotThe Hare thought this idea was。

找了半天,终于找到一个龟兔赛跑英语作文我会写的,哈哈哈,英语水平不高,但是这个很简单,我会龟兔赛跑后续 自从上次龟兔赛跑比赛后,兔子不服一天兔子便对乌龟说“我们明天再来比赛”乌龟答应了到了比赛那天,乌龟傻眼了,因为是比。

A hare jeered at a tortoise for the slowness of his pace But he laughed ,and said that he would run against her and beat her any day she would name quotCome on ,quot said the hare ,quotyou will soon。

The turtle rabbit runs a race Rabbit and tortoise the game run in the forestStarting a rabbit is far away leading,very proud,look down upon tortoise,the tortoise runs very hard,but the rabbit beats to。


rad Pitt is thought to be the world’s most sexy man, early in his films, the audience was crazy about his perfect face, many girls treat him as Mr right For me, Pitt has the charming outlook。

One day, the hare and the tortoise raced The Hare laughed at the slow climbing of the tortoise The tortoise said that one day he would winRabbit said, let#39s start the race now The rabbit ran fast。

The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals quotI have never been beaten,quot he said, quotwhen I run at full speed, no one is faster than mequotThe tortoise said quietly, quotI will race。

有一天,乌龟和兔子在谈天,不知不觉说到谁干得比较强,於是它们赛跑一开始,兔子大幅领先乌龟,但不久後,兔子开始轻敌,认为乌龟追不上它,便到路边睡觉乌龟趁机努力向前跑,结果乌龟最後赢了兔子One day, a。



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