




  微信号 one6399

  功能介绍 学英语确定的英文,每天只需一分钟!



  1. 萝卜青菜确定的英文,各有所爱。

  翻译: Turnip greens, all have love.

  意思: Every man has his hobbyhorse.


  2. 酒发心腹之言。

  翻译: Wine made confidants of the words.

  意思: In wine there is truth.


  3. 肉包子打狗。

  翻译: Hit a dog with a meat bun.

  意思: Punishment is not as an effective incentive as reward.


  4. 三个和尚没水喝。

  翻译: Three monks have no water to drink.

  意思: There are too many cooks in the kitchen.


  5. 死马当活马医。

  翻译: Save a dead horse by pretending it’s alive.

  意思: Nothing is impossible.


  6. 天高皇帝远。

  翻译: The sky is big and the emperor is far away.


  意思: there is no help for it.


  7. 有钱能使鬼推磨。

  翻译: If you have money, you can make the devil push your grind stone.

  意思: Money is power.


  8. 小洞不补确定的英文,大洞吃苦。

  翻译: A small hole left unplugged will make you suffer a big hole.

  意思: A stitch in time saves nine.


  9. 狗改不了吃屎。

  翻译: Dogs eat shit.

  意思: A leopard can’t change its spots.


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