

If some projects of the aforementioned scope relate to those that are subject to the approval from national laws and administrative regulations审批英语, no operation of such projects shall be allowed before approval。

The internal approval for new employees has been completed 审批英语,I will give the cards to Mike。

on the matter保单一式两份审批英语,复件作为进一步讨论的标志Thanking You, 谢谢 Yours Sincerely,此致 敬礼 CC , Canada 抄送,Mr Arjun Dev Singh ,加拿大 这些都是按照商务英语的保准翻译的。

“提请上级批准”submit to the higher level for approval apply to the higher level for approval 报请上级审批 submit to the higher level for examination and approval。


I have applied the new price already, after its approval the updated order should be sent to you immediately。




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