

A Picnic一次野餐 I had a picnic with my parents last weekIt was asunny day We started at seven o’clockWe went to the park by car This parkis very big I think there were one thousand people。

野餐 A Picnic It was a sunny day We decided to have a picnic outside the city In the morning野餐英语作文, we took an early bus to Nanhui It was quite a colorful world There were green trees野餐英语作文, orange leaves。


I had a picnic with my parents last week It was a sunny day We started at seven o’clock We went to the park by car This park is very big I think there were one thousand people there I。

we all thought that#39s a very interesting picnic大概翻译2we曾在去年秋季野餐首先,我们爬上了山顶我们看到有许多学生我们交谈,笑着一起玩然后在野餐时,我们分享我们的食物我们看到了一个美丽的流附近但。

picnic in the park,too When we finished the picnic, we picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dusbin We thought it was our duty to make the environment clean We had a good time that day。

我爸爸说我们这个周末要去野餐,不过我得陪我妈妈一起去买食材所以,星期五的晚上我和妈妈去超市了我和妈妈先去买毯子Then we look for other tools, such as baskets, plates and so on然后我们再去找其它的。


Last Sunday is a sunny day,so I decided to go to the park with my best friends and have a picnicWe met at the gate of the school and went to park by busWhen we went around in the park,we saw。

写野餐的初一英语作文 要翻译 急 I had a piic with my parents last week It was a sunny day We started at seven o’clock We went to the park by car This park is very big I think there were one thousand。

we played on the park At five o’clock, we went homeIt was a happy day今天我和父母进行了一次野餐那是一个晴朗的日子,我们七点出发我们驾车到公园,公园很大,我觉得里面有上千人当我们到达公园的时候。

翻译 上个星期我和父母进行了一次野餐那是一个晴朗的日子,我们七点出发我们驾车到公园,公园很大,我觉得里面有上千人当我们到达公园的时候我觉得肚子饿,我们喝了一些果汁,吃了美味的食物吃完我们就在公园里面玩。

On the next Saturday,our classmates and I will have a picnic on the farm which is not far away from our cityOn that day,we will bring many food ,such as apple,hamberger cakes and so onWe wil also。

Today, we plan to Xingkai Lake for a picnic, we have about one hour to Xingkai Lake, we will immediately change to go swimming, after two or three hours, we play on the beach, very hot我们向天上。

星期日 计划去西山野餐 班长给同学发邮件 让同学转告别人,叮嘱记得带一些水果之类的,还有其他食物大家野餐英语作文你告诉我,我告诉你,都满怀喜悦,各自做好了野营露餐的准备都期待星期日的到来Sunday plans to go to west。




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