

1、Exercise can shape one#39s personality and provides a great opportunity for bonding among teammates, not to mention the fact that it can increase the communication with friends and parents;Study and practice are interdependent and essential! Books are often very important to a person#39s growth and learning effects, but practice also plays an important role in our growth The old saying quotread;This is me, surfing the Internet reading books and watching TVHello everyone My father is a driver and my mother is an office workerI have a happy familyI have two new friends They’re beautiful;前者指个人生活或衣着方面的风格,而Shape指具体物体的外部形状如style fashion 时尚shap from形状;it not only keeps me in a good figure, but also makes me healthier;The review study is featured as the cover story这是一个完整的句子, 不是短语意思是这项综述研究被表征为封面的故事这个句子可能是用在一个综述期刊封面的介绍句子is featured as 表征为 被塑造;豹子头林冲,鼓上蚤时迁,青面兽杨志,小李广花荣,大刀关胜。


2、比较正确的有两个 shape 和mold,都是动词;vt 创造,创作,创建,设计,发明 ,塑造的角色例如Labour creates the world劳动创造世界vt 引起,造成,使产生,使发生It createcreate 英 kri#720#39e#618t 美 kr#618#39etcreate 的用法 1vt;Mold Chinese soul, make the world see。

3、Get in shape塑造好身材参考阅读保持好身材的四个重要秘诀 秘诀一,一定要吃早餐早餐时每天的活力来源,很多人会因为减肥等种种原因不吃早餐,其实这个错误的,反而如果你长期这样不吃早餐不仅对维持好身材造成阻挠;生气,反倒是在集中我们的注意力于是我们就大声回答“听懂了!”他笑得更欢了写作老师,我将永远记住您那灿烂如阳光的微笑 习惯真是一个难以捉摸的奇妙的东西,它总是让你有许多的无奈,但又可以给你带来许多的快。

4、quotCulture has a very strong shape, usually we don#39t easy to see the whole process of culture and the great power of cultural heritagequot;恳求你赐给他谦卑的心,使他永远记得,真正的伟大是单纯,真正的智慧是坦率,真正的力量是温和下面是我为大家带来英语经典美文塑造我的儿子,希望大家喜欢!Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to;Shaping the physical, physical fitness,这可就可以了。

标签: 塑造的英语



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