

1、housework和chore分担家务英语的具体区别与联系1chore指的是“家庭杂务日常零星工作”,也就是所谓的“家务活”2do chores=do housework处理琐事干家务3chore为可数名词,housework为不可数名词。

2、帮助父母做家务是儿女们分担家庭责任的一种方式,学习英语,是语言学习中的一种下面是我给大家整理的做家务的英语短语,供大家参阅! 做家务的英语短语1 有时候我帮助妈妈做家务 Sometimes,I help my mother in the house 当然,霍;As we know,a middle school shoud do some house work for my parentswe can make them happy!What shoud we do分担家务英语?First,we should clean our roomSecond,we should put the litter into the dustbinThird,we;housework,英文单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意思是“家务事”同义词有cleaning,springcleaning,scrubbing,dusting,washinghousework的短语搭配Housework girl拂尘的女子Share Housework分担家务事 分担家务housewo;可以帮妈妈分担家务还可以洗书包英语In the summer vocation, I learned how to wash dishes and cook meals which can help my mother with housework And I can also wash my school bag;I should share some housework, so that I can reduce her burden Since I help my mother with the housework, she looks so happy, she will praise me in front of her friends I feel proud of myself妈妈;家务,是指家庭日常生活事务语出梁书middot张率传ldquo 率嗜酒,事事宽恕,於家务尤忘怀rdquo那么你知道家务用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧家务英语说法1housework 家务英语说法2household 家;Though I was very tired,I was very happyMy parens both had a vication;成绩也下降了越早让孩子们学会独立,对他们的未来越好史密斯先生 拓展知识如何学好英语 首先需要大家做的,就是持之以恒,随时随地学习其次,要学以致用,不能仅限于“哑巴”英语最后,多看一些英文电影。

3、许多学生不愿意做家务英语是Many students are unwilling to do houseworkhousework,英文单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意思是“家务事”短语搭配Housework girl拂尘的女子Share Housework分担家务事分担家务housework;在家里,我们要帮助父母分担家务下面,我帮你整理了帮助父母家务初中英语作文,希望你喜欢!帮助父母家务初中英语作文篇1 Is it good for students to do some houseworkSome people think studengts need not do any;高一英语作文范文五 分担家务 Mother is always the greatest person in the family,because she takes care of everything, she does allthe housework, though she is a housewife, what sheis so heavy and gre。


4、我们需要和父母一同分担家务We need to share the housework with our parents 如果答案对您有所帮助,请采纳,出现红色的勋章代表您对我答案的肯定,谢谢;以后要多为妈妈分担家务啊!妈妈看见了,不但没责怪我,还开心的笑了,表扬我说“你懂事了,会洗碗了!”我听了心里乐滋滋的更多相关热门文章推荐阅读1 小学生优秀英语作文我的爸爸妈妈 2 关于五一的英语作文带;父母那么辛苦努力的工作,作为子女,为父母分担家务不是应该的吗?下面是我为大家精心整理的关于,希望能够帮助到你们分担家务 Mother is always the greatest person in the family, because she takes care of everything。

5、篇一分担家务 Sharing Housework Mother is always the greatest person in the family, because she takes care of everything, she does all the housework, though she is a housewife, what she is so heavy an;我愿意分担力所能及的家务我可以扫地,擦玻璃,帮助中,国演,讲网,妈妈做饭,帮助爸爸给花儿浇水我觉得有些同学不愿意做家务是错的尽管他们的理由是为了更好地学习实际上他们宁愿玩游戏也不愿意做家务是因为懒惰。



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