

1、拼车 pīn chē基本翻译 carpool car sharing 网络释义 拼车carpoolsharing 百科 拼车 拼车就是拼车英语,在一个小区里,或周围拼车英语的几个小区,有同一目拼车英语的地拼车英语的,或可以顺道路过的,可以搭车一起上下班先把目的地设计成一条行车。

2、“hitchhiking”的中文意思是搭便车,也称为拼车指在路边或指定区域招手或示意路过车辆停车载人的行为例如We were hitchhiking across Europe to save money on transportation我们搭便车穿行于欧洲,以节省交通费用。

3、拼车Carpooling 还可以说 carsharing, ridesharing, liftsharing所以这句话可以说why not try carpooling?that will reduce the expense,at the same time , it will make a difference to your trip。

4、Just as a coin has two sides ,so there are both advantages and disadvantages of having a private carSo far as its advantages are concerned,there are two examples for thisFirst ,it plays a very important。

5、hitch n免费搭车 猛拉, 急促猛推, 跛行, 妨碍,vt 拴住, 连住, 急拉, 拉紧, 免费搭车 vi 蹒跚, 被缠结, 免费乘车 Facing more and more cars and growing traffic pollution,the emerge of hitching is of。

6、拼车的好处和翻译Carpooling can save you money on gas The more people carpool with you, the more you saveIf your carpool members can use the car in turn, carpooling can also save you the cost of。

7、hitch 英h#618t#643 美h#618t#643vt 猛拉 免费 搭乘拼车英语他人之车 蹒跚 使 结婚vt 用环钩等套住,钩住某物 n 故障,挫折 系住,勾住 急拉。

8、Is it a good or bad thing to have a private car? Just as a coin has two sides , so there are both advantages and disadvantages of having a private car So far as its advantages are concerned, there。

9、拼车 carpooling 解除好友关系 unfriend v暴走 go ballistic 海外代购 overseas purchasing 跳槽 jump ship 闪婚 flash marriage 闪电约会 speeddating 闪电恋爱 whirlwind romance 刻不容缓,紧要关头 crunch time 乐活族。

10、滴滴打车用英语说是Didi Taxi滴滴出行是包括出租车专车快车顺风车代驾及大巴等多项业务在内的一项出行平台改变了传统打车方式,建立培养出大移动互联网时代下引领的用户现代化出行方式滴滴出行颠覆了路边拦车概念。


12、望采纳,谢谢Nowadays, it is generally acknowledged that the automobiles make our life convenientSome argue that they play an essential role in our modern life and we can not live well without automobiles。


13、“拼养”用英语babypooling 继“拼车拼吃拼住拼游”之后,中国“80后”父母流行“拼养”孩子babypooling 这个拼合词仿效了fundspooling资金募集和ideapooling集思广益的构词法此外,首创这个词的人。

14、Spring Festival is the most important festival in China In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal In many places people like to set off firecrackers Dumplings are。


标签: 拼车英语



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