

6欢迎再来Do come again, please Hope you’ll come again Please come again 欢迎随时再来Come back anytime欢迎您下次再来Welcome you come here again Goodbye欢迎品尝下次再来Welcome sample come next time;we look forward to your next visit期待您再次光临please visit us again请再次光临welcome是进门的欢迎语“欢送”客人时不方便用;welcome again再次欢迎欢迎再来例句At the same time, we also warmly welcome again 同时,欢迎下次再来英语怎么说我们也热忱欢迎大家再次光临“欢迎下次光临”用英文表达,大致有以下几种1“Welcome to you next time! ” 直译;9 Welcome to our school 欢迎来到我们学校10 Glad to meet you 见到你很高兴11 Welcome here next time 欢迎下次再来12 You first ,please 您先请13 Please walk slowly 请慢走14 Excuse;“欢迎下次再来” Welcome you again Welcome next time Welcome to come again next time一定要开心哦welcomehere next time welcome to 中的 to 是个介词,不能直接接动词,例如有一篇文章Welcome to Ne。

“欢迎下次光临”用英文表达,大致有以下几种1“Welcome to you next time! ” 直译欢迎你下次的到来2“Welcome back again” 直译欢迎再次回来3“looking farwad your coming next time” 直译欢迎;1早上好午安晚安 Good morningafternoon evening2您好How are you? How do you do?Welcome to golden city restaurant3再见,欢迎下次再来Goodbye! Come again next time, you are。

Please walk slowly, welcome to come again next time;12 Here is it Welcome next time!这是你的零钱,欢迎下次再来 13It fits you very well And You look beautiful in它很适合你,看起来很好看14I can give you a 20% discount我可以给你打八折 15it;请慢走,欢迎下次再来Please slow walk, then welcome to the next;9Welcome to our school 欢迎来到我们学校10Glad to meet you 见到你很高兴11Welcome here next time 欢迎下次再来12You first ,please 您先请13Please walk slowly 请慢走14Excuse me;一般这场合的说法是 Goodbye Sir Please come again慢走也许可以用上 Farewell,但还是建议不用。

您好,领学网为您解答欢迎你下次再来中国上海译为Welcome to Shanghai, China next time 重点词汇 下次next next time 再来recur 上海Shanghai 望采纳;用“Welcome back again”就可以欢迎下次再来英语怎么说了或You are welcome back again一般不说quotWelcome youquot,因为welcome本身就含有“欢迎你”的含义另外,我们也经常听英文节目电视主持人说Welcome back欢迎回来;“欢迎下次光临”用英文表达,大致有以下几种1“Welcome to you next time! ”直译欢迎你下次的到来2“Welcome back again”直译欢迎再次回来3“looking farwad your coming next time”直译欢迎再次。




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