

原文最让我难忘的社会活动就是去敬老院,那天,我和爸爸去敬老院看望老人们,在那里,我为老人们打扫卫生,擦桌子,墩地,老人们还夸赞我我还跟老人们聊天,说有趣的事情,他们高兴极了通过这次活动让我明白老人们;写作思路我觉得要将两者结合,认真学习的同时需要做好社会实践例文如下英文Study is very important when college students are in school, but study is not the only one Equally important is social practice。

To a student, there are many advantages of having more social practicesFirst,more social practices may offer you an opportunity to display your ability and apply what you have learned in schoolSecond;Students should actively participate in social practice 如果有帮到您,请采纳,点击采纳为满意答案按钮即可,如果还有问题 请发帖重新提问哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您学习愉快。

“我们学校将要在9月20日组织一次社会实践活动” There will be a social practise activity organized in our school on September 20“上午时我们去参观车间,下午时与工人一起劳动”We will visit the workshops in。


Social practice active participation of communities in school activities, in winter and summer time in various social practice and investigation activities。

问题一实践 用英语怎么说?_? practice 问题二进行社会实践 用英语怎么说 进行社会实践 carry out the social practice participate in social practicing 问题三练习实践,用英语怎么读 practice 英?pr?kt?s。

quot我们时常参加社会实践活动,学到了许多课堂上学不到的知识quotquotWe often take part in social practice and have learned a lot about what we can#39t obtain in classquot公益慈善翻译团真诚为您解答。

To a student, there are many advantages of having more social practicesFirst,more social practices may offer you an opportunity to display your ability and apply what you have learned in schoolSecond, social。

有关社会实践的英语作文急需! I had a vacation, winter vacation when the waiter in the hotel, it was a very hard but very memorable day, began to store that feel good strange, for fear of making mistakes, be th。

正方同学认为应该参加社会实践,有助于了解社会,获得经验,有助于培养能力反方认为不应该参加社会时间,太年轻,不能适应社会,浪费时间精力,也没有机会 The pro students considered that they should participate in。




A heard about it, we will go after the senior internship la B La heard, I did not like how a good run, is not to say that their attachment to find the place could there be?A that is, ah。


本文分析了大一的收获与不足,以及社会实践的总结英文翻译This paper analyzes the freshman harvest and insufficient, and social practice summary 我自身存在的社交能力差,遇事很武断的缺点急需改进 以后我将会练习普通话。

学生会竞选一句英语翻译 If I was on the run for members of the Communist Youth League, I will work hard学生会怎样用英语翻译 student union 有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼 *^__^*。



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