

第一篇是Passage One或Passage 1,第一章是Chapter One或Chapter 1这些都可以。

表示第一章“chapter 1“ 比较常用,有时也用 “Volume 1”多表示第一篇或第一卷。

1第一单元的英文Unit 1或者Unit one,读音#712junit w#652n2第几单元的写法就是unit 基数词110的基数词one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten3unit,英语。

chapter, section。

第一单元unit one的用法示例如下1Unit One, we learned how to introduce oneself在第一单元,我们学习了奈何引见某人自己2Unit one Asking for directions to a particular place询问某一地点的路怎么走。

The first chapter of the Road can be the eternal Tao May very Nameless beginning of heaven and earth, the famous mother of all things Therefore, often no desire to watch his wonderful often trying to。


用one building one unit 比较确切!问题二2号楼1单元2601室,用英语怎么说 你好2号楼1单元2601室 No 2 floor, room 2601, unit 1 问题三“第一章”用英文怎么说 the first chapter chapter one 跳过第。

“第一章”的英文Chapter One Chapter 读法 英 #39t#643#230pt#601 美 #39t#643#230pt#6021n 章,回俱乐部协会等的分会人生或历史上的重要时期 2vt 把分成章节 短。

有条款的意思 article 1 The foreignrelated contracts in civil and commercial matters shall refer to the substantive law in a relevant country or region , excluding the conflict law and procedural law 第一条。



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