

强调句用英语怎么说 emphasize 英语中的强调除了用”very“还可以怎么说 1用形容词“very”强英语,“single”等表示强调 Army fought a battle on this very spot红军就在此地打过一仗2用反身代词表示强调 e。

fasttempoed music For instance强英语, Americans like fasttempoed music because the tempo of life there is fast美国人喜爱节奏感强的音乐强英语,因为他们的生活节奏快。


The honest credit principle is the commodity economy developmentobjective request, is demonstrating the noticeable function along withthe legal system reform honest credit principle in the civil actionBut, in our。

英语中强调的八种方式 1用形容词“very”,“single”等表示强调 Army fought a battle on this very spot红军就在此地打过一仗Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon今天下午竟然。

Although I did not get the CET4 certificate, I#39 have a good knowledge of communication with each other或者也可以说 I couldn#39t reach the CET4 level, But I#39m good at communication with each。


标签: 强英语



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