

问题三quot怎么办quot用英文怎么说啊 What can I do?解决英语我该怎么办What do I do?该怎么办呢What shall I do?怎么办呢What#39s to be done?怎么办问题四解决问题 解决英语的解决用英语怎么说 你好解决英语,“解决问题”用解决英语;问题一问题的解决办法 用英语怎么说 The solution of the problem 问题二解决问题用英文怎么说 solve the problem 或者problem solving例如要解决问题,就要从根源处着手翻译为We have to solve the problem。

你好,很开心为您解答 face thea problem面对问题 be faced thea problem solve thea problem解决问题work out thea problem 南湖湖畔团队 希望对您有用,祝您学习进步,天天开心 望采纳谢谢。


1、解决solve, resolve, cope with处理deal with, handle with。


2、work out the problem和work the problem out都可以,前者看起来更好些deal with the problem意思是处理问题还没解决也可以说solve the problem。

3、solve 及物动词 vt1解决 解答 He finally solved the difficulty of transportation解决英语他终于解决了运输的困难2解释, 揭示 When will the police solve the crime?警方什么时候能破案?The riddle couldn#39t be solved。

4、1solve the problem solve 解决,处理 例句On balance, we feel it is more likely to accentuate the capitalallocation problem than to solve it 点击发音 总之,我们认为这样可能会使资金分配问题更加突出而非。


解决方案的英文solution 解决方案 读法 英 s#601#39lu#720#643#601n 美 s#601#39lu#643#601n作名词的意思是解决方案溶液溶解解答 短语1water solution 水溶液,水煎液 2。

解决问题的解决solve,clear up,decipher,explain,resolve,unravel,dope out,figure out,work,work out 解决掉某人的解决kill,finish,slaughter,slain,erase,eliminate。

解决的英语短语是figure out,含有”解决算出想出理解断定“的意思短语搭配I can#39t figure out 我搞不清楚我不明白我感到无所适从 try to figure out 揣摩推断悉心探求 Just try to figure out。



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