

leave a message for someone留口信英语!I will leave a message with the receptionist我会给前台小姐留个口信Mr Kent is out of town just at present Can you leave a message?肯特先生刚好不在家留口信英语,你可以留个话吗Would;常用于以下短语 leave word 留信息, leave a message 留言留口信如 Sorry, John isn#39t in, please leave a message 对不起,约翰不在家,请留个口信吧 6 leave 准假休假假期常用于以下结构 ask for。

Hi,this is I just called you, but there is no one answered, so I think you maybe not available at this time I just want to borrow the book last week you introduced to me If you checked;leave a message意思是留口信take a message为捎口信May Can I leave a message? 我可以留言吗Could you take a message? 你可以捎个口信吗Would you like to leave a message? 你愿意留言吗Ca。

你愿意留口信吗? 11Mr Black is on another line now 布莱克先生正在接别的电话 12Hold the line a moment,please 请等一会儿 13Miss Chen is not in right now She went shopping 陈小姐现在不在,她去买东西了。


2留口信Shall I take a message for her?我可以留口信给她吗Can I leave a message?我可以留口信吗May I take your message? She is not in她现在不在我可以为你留言吗Would you mind taking a。

给你一些考试常用的,生僻的也没什么用,还费时间1asktell,order sb not to do sth 请求要求命令某人不做某事 2seehear,find sb do 看见听见,发现某人经常做或做过某事 doing 正。

您要留口信吗12Pardon对不起,请再说一遍,好吗I beg your pardon对不起,请再说一遍,好吗asp 参考资料asp。

leave a message 留口信 May I leave a message?我可以留个口信吗Can you leave a message?你能留言吗Can I leave a message?我可以留个口信吗They may have leave a message!留口信英语他们该留个字条才是Would you。

38 A 此题考查固定搭配,leave a message 留口信 adviceinformationpaper 均为不可数名词,不能用aan 修饰39 B 此题考查感叹句的用法“what引导的感叹句” What + aan + 形容词+ 名词+主语+谓语。

留口信给他吗? CanCould you leave a message? 你能否留个口信吗? Would you like to leave a message? 你愿意留个口信吗? Is there any message for her? 有话要留给她吗? Do you want to leave word for him to call。

5 leave 留住留言常用于以下短语 leave word 留信息, leave a message 留言留口信如 Sorry, John isn#39t in, please leave a message 对不起,约翰不在家,请留个口信吧6。

Can I take a message?What would like to tell himherthem?Is there anything you‘d like me to tell himherthem?Any messages for himherthem?Any messages。

如果你来电时我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信的英文翻译If I wasn#39t in when you called! Please leave a message to my secretary。


1、1 A be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 2 A first of all 首先第一 3 A 把某物从别处带到说话人所在的地方来,用bring 4 B be angry with sb 生某人的气 5 D leave a message 留言留口信 6 A。


2、选 quotleavequot根据这个对话,这句是接电人对致电者说的中文意思是quot你要留下一个信息给张先生吗言下之意是我帮你转达信息给他英语短语leave a message to somebody 给某人留言,给某人留口信如果这句话变成quotcan I。

3、你若不离不弃,我必生死相依的英文If you do not leave me, I will by your side until the life end 其他短语表达1leave for 动身去 2leave a message 留言,留口信 3leave behind 留下遗留超过。

标签: 留口信英语



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