

20年后的我英语作文一One day, I was reading, the book of magic plot led me into 2028Twenty years has changed a lot, our motherland more prosperous, the people#39s standard of living is higher, peop。

I have a dream for the life in the future If we can invent roborts, then we will have less work to do and gain more free time to relax For example, it will become more convenient at home if robo。

二十年后的我也许是一个电脑工程师,帮助人们更好的使用电脑二十年后我一定要贡献出自己的一份力量What Will I be In Twenty Years Each of us has his own dream, and I often dream of what I will be like。

20年后我的 生活英语 作文篇一 In 20 years, every home will have a robot It can help us do lots of things We will have more time to study and have funSometimes we will visit the Underwater。

quotI am a straight,do you20年后的我英语作文?quotquotMe too consecutivequotquotToday is Nofew months?quot I am a bit of a surprisequotJanuary 20,2023quot Say consecutive sideAh,真爽,hit my phone word 20 years later,my homequotHey。

二十年后的我英语作文 Perhaps 20 year after I, become a genuine nurseIn the surgery table, the hospital ward, take saves from impending death assists the wounded as the inherent responsibilities, fulfills。

In 20 years, my life will be dedicated to helping others and improving their health and wellbeing I am excited for this journey and the challenges and rewards it will bring20年后,我将成为一名医生我。

and finally succeeded I have the success from now, so I can learn from20年后的我是个风度翩翩,算计别人,也被别人算计的老板,我一路风尘仆仆,终于获得了成功我的成功都源于现在,所以我现在要好好学习。

20年后的我 20 years after I 20年后的我是一个养花专家,为了让花园的花开得灿烂娇艳,我尽心尽力,费尽心机,而我辛苦的劳动并没有白白付出,换来了人们一串串欣赏的目光,一张张快乐的脸20 years later I was。


be more interesting and wonderful after twenty years20年后我将变得很有钱,一切都很顺利,例如,我不去上学,不用去工作因为我变成电脑专家,一切事物都有电脑完成,家务有机器人去做,我的生活将变得丰富多彩。

20 years later, my Blink of an eye, the uncle will be celebrating his birthday, and my uncle called to say hello God I do not know, ghost not feel My mistake was allocated a number!quotHey,quot calls。

The future life in 20 years In 20 years, every home will have a robot It can help us do lots o things We will have more time to study and have funSometimes we will visit the Underwater WorldW。

After twenty years I Time flies, blink of an eye I had from a child, now 20 years later, I became a teacher Wearing glasses, carefully correcting the students sit in front of the desk work quotReport。

第二节是自选课,这节课可让同学们自由挑选,这群文学迷们便挑选20年后的我英语作文他们最喜欢上的作文课了,于是,我便写了一个题目20年后的 让他们自由发挥想象去写,而我则趁着空闲时间,到学校转了转,20年过去了,学校。

causes the patient healthily to leave the hospital, lives happily二十年后的我,也许成为一名真正的白衣天使在手术台前病房里,以救死扶伤为天职,尽职尽责那时,我要发明一种新药,让残疾人重新长出新的肢体我。



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