

have a little break休息一会的英语, 100%正确,采纳吧亲。

让我们休息一会吧用英语是Let#39s take a break,重点单词介绍如下一take1take,英文单词,及物动词,不及物动词,名词,作及物动词时意为“拿取,采取,接受礼物等,买花费,耗费时间等”,作不及物动词时意为“。

短暂休息的英文是short break休息 休息是暂停体力劳动或脑力劳动或其休息一会的英语他活动,以恢复精力近义词歇息休憩憩息停息停歇暂息反义词工作做事作工劳动忙碌相似词休息一下休养生息息息相通息息。

英语是You should stay away from the computer and take a rest for a while句子解释stay away 英stei #601#712wei 美ste #601#712we词典 躲开 离开,缺席例句Take my adv。


He has some time for abreak after lunch 午饭后学生们通常会休息一会儿Do they have a short break after lunch?休息一会 take a rest have a rest Email Addict Time for a rest。

take a seat 和 take a break放进来语法都没错,这里主要是看意思休息一会的英语了take a break,中文翻译成“休息一会儿”,但实际上是打断正在进行的活动来休息的意思,break本身就是打断所以take a break的意思其实是“中场休息。

1The capital of France is Paris,which is a European #39re lots of good airport facilities in Chengdu ShuangLiu International can eat in a restaurant and have coffee in a coffee。

复合句的谓语是 is to put the glass down 这是连系动词 is+ 表语不定式短语构成谓语rest for a while 这也是谓语一部分,它是动词短语意思为休息一会前面省略了 is tobefore holding it up 作时间。

1have a rest 休息一下歇例句Once this is all over and done with you can have a rest大功告成后休息一会的英语你就可以休息了2take a break 休息一会例句We#39ve been busy for hours,we#39d better take a。

正确译法At 11 o#39clock, we had a short break during which I talked with my friends in English。

然后在用英语怎么说 then 然后在休息一会用英语怎么说Then soon Then have a rest soon然后,用英语怎么说的 and then 怎么制作Pizza,最好先用英语说,然后在再 flour water, butter, yeast, salt Mianpi。

We will have a singer sing at half past two this afternoon, you can sit here to relax a little longer 希望能够帮到你。

看完电视我还要休息一会眼睛吃一点水果 Watching TV, I have to rest for a while the eyes eat a little fruit 看完电视我还要休息一会眼睛吃一点水果 Watching TV, I have to rest for a while the eyes eat a。

1I#39m tiredLet#39s stop to take a you know when the Great Wall was built 3Do not forget to buy something for me on the way the rain,they are still working绝对正确。



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