

根据语境翻译“三天后”过去时after three days或者是three days later 将来时in three days 特殊句式的使用 三天之后才做了某事didn#39t do something until three days later 强调句强调时间状语It is after t;2,the second day 3,the third day 4,the fourth day 5,t福e fifth day 6,the sixth day 7,the seventh day 问题七请问三天前或三天后的英语怎么写 three days ago三天前 after three days三天后 问题;第一天第二天第三天第四天第五天第六天第七天最后一天的英语分别是The first day, the second day, the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, the sixth day, the seventh day, the last;“in +一段时间”表示从现在算起的“一段时间以后”,用于一般将来时英语中的固定用法 如He will come back in 3 days他三天后将回来虽然in 3 days和after 3 days汉语都译成“3天后”,但是它们还是有区别。

threeday 三天的,形容词 three days 三天;“以后”英文单词是after英式读法是#39ɑ#720ft#601r美式读法是#39#230ft#601r作副词时意思是以后后来作连词时意思是在 以后作介词时意思是在 之后在后面关于追赶依照;都是可以的直接按照你上面两题那样翻译即可3 Three years later, that man became the general manager of that company4 He left that city and went to study in US after three years later。

前者是within three days 后者可能有2个,分别是in three days表未来的3天,after three days表过去未来的3天;1 in +一段时间 用于将来时,eg He will come back in three days2一段时间+later 用于过去时,eg Three days later,he came back;问题一第三天用英语怎么说 the third day 问题二用英语怎么说 序数词+day, 大多的序数词都是由其相对应的基数词后面添加“th”构成在括号里的是缩写形式the first 1st day 第一天 the second 2nd;你好,1 三天后的天气会怎么样1 What will the weather be like in three days time?2 这几天天气忽冷忽热的,不知道再过几天天气会怎样2 These few days the weather has changed rapidly, cold in;1 “以后”用英语怎么说 从此以后thereafter 三天以后three das ago过去时 in three das三天以内前,将来时 以后from now on 例句与用法 1 那人说从今以后他要努力工作了 The man said that he would work hard;这句英语什么意思,为什么days#39 在s的后面? Will you hand in the form in three days#39 time?汉语意思是你在三天后的时间里能交上这个表格吗英语中名词复数以s结尾的名词,所有格后面加撇。


You can don#39t eat anything , but you can#39t don#39t drink water , or you will die three days later;也是类似的应用,在 after 后面接上一段时间three days,表示三天过后的任何一个时间点有肿胀疼痛增加的状况,就要回诊最后来看 After three weeks of hard work, we finally pleted this impossible mission。



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