

美味美味佳肴英语的英文例句1 The dining room has lakeside views and offers excellent cuisine在那家饭店用餐能欣赏到湖边景色美味佳肴英语,而且那里饭菜也是美味佳肴2 With its unique heating element it makes perfect coffee其独特的。


delicious 美味的英语例句 1 The dining room has lakeside views and offers excellent cuisine在那家饭店用餐能欣赏到湖边景色,而且那里饭菜也是美味佳肴2 With its unique heating element it makes perfect coffee。

杭州不仅有历代文人墨客的题咏,而且有美味佳肴和漂亮的工艺品 Hangzhou is a city, which not only owns the epigraphs by numerous historic artists,but also caters for tasty food as well as fabulous artworks。

A man was going to the house of some rich person As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road He said, quotI do not want to eat those apples for the rich。




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