

I can sing, dance and show myself I’m very happy I hope I could be an English teacher one dayThis。

especially bike I ride bike to school I ride bike with my friends to park and hills near my home,and then we play game and have picnic a happy 三年级英语自我介绍 篇10。

monkey, panda, rabbit But i don#39t like wolf, because it is aggressive I like eating broccoli, hamburger, fish and drinking orange juice 5小学三年级自我介绍英语作文 Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen。

小孩英文自我介绍篇1 Good morning , everybody大家早上好!My name is Leo I#39m from Zhengxin primary school我的名字叫力欧,我七岁了,我来自广东省广州是花都区新华镇正心小学!I study in Class 3, Grade 3。

三年级英语自我介绍简单58句有1Hello, My Chinese name is Lijun, and my English is Jimy I am fourteen years old I am a cool boy I like reading2I have a one brother and one sister。

1Hello!My name is xx I am a girlor boyI like singing dancing and riding my new bikeI am very beautifulHandsome !I have two big eyes and small noseI come from China你好我的名字。

1自我介绍范文一My name is Lily My chinese name is LinXiang I#39m 8 years old I#39m from class 1 grade 3 I have big eyes, small nose, and short black hair I#39m kind and funny I Like。

So I love everyone in my life!2 谁能帮我写一篇小学三年级英语自我介绍作文字 Hello! My name is Chen Danqing My English name is Joy I#39m 14 years old I#39m a happy girl I have a happy。


在社交活动中,如欲结识某些人或某个人,而又无人引见,如有可能,即可向对方自报家门,自己将自己介绍给对方本文是我为大家整理的简短英语 自我介绍 带翻译精选10篇,仅供参考 简短英语自我介绍带翻译篇1 I am Xu Chenxi, a lively。

My name is u Fangyan You can call me Betty I #39m a girlI #39m years old I #39m 154 centermeters tallI #39m in inqi Primary SchoolI #39m in Class 1, Grade classmates are very nice to often。

小学英语自我介绍Hello,my name is Lee I am 10 years old Now I am studying in Changan Primary School I am in Grade 3,Class4I live in Shanghai There are 3 members in my familyfather,mother。

I will study hard and be a useful personThank you!大家早上好,很高兴站在这介绍我自己我叫,今年岁,我上三年级了,在班我们班上的人互相学习,互相帮助,我们都很高兴我们是同学我们家。

Hi,my name is 姓名 I#39m 年龄 years old注意,如果第二个括号填一的话,不加sI#39m a cool boynice girlMy favourite food is食物 ,because it#39s tasty I like 运动或爱好。

自我介绍 大家好,我叫,来自钦州,我很高兴能在这里与大家认识,我是纺织工业学校的一名学生,我的专业是针织,我很荣幸能参加集训营,我参加集训营是因为我喜欢英语,我希望在集训营里学到的用在我以后的工作中,并。


Hi everybody, my name is XX ,what#39s your name?I#39m 11 years old, how old are you?My favourite sport is swimming, what#39s your favourite sport?My favourite food is hamburgers,what food do you like?The。



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