

1、高考必备的英语作文 篇1 As the economic level keeps increasing英语高考作文, many people would like to travel abroad But there is a survey shows that China is one of the five worst tourist nations which include India英语高考作文;高考英语作文 篇1 Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I disagree I don’t understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they don’t att end classes Personal expe。


2、高考英语作文1 评分细则 优秀2225紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内容充实语法结构多样,词汇丰富,行文流畅,显示出较强的语言运用能力,允许有个别语言错误,但不影响意思表达 良好1821紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点。

3、高考英语满分作文篇一 假定你住在一个涉外小区社区委员会请你帮忙用英文写一封电子邮件,将周末农家采摘活动的安排传达给住户 时间下周六上午8001100 内容采摘苹果 报名办公室,下周四下午500前 提示戴帽子,手套;高考满分作文11号题Dear editor,I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks 60% of us schoolmates think that an entrance fee do。

4、高考英语范文作文一 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家里做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗请你回复邮件,内容包括1到达时间 2合适的礼物 3餐桌礼仪 Dear Terry,How are you doing英语高考作文? In yourlast let;较好的高考英语作文范文,供大家学习参考用一What can I do for our environment?Everyone can do something for our environment For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life For example, if I。



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