

1、高考英语短文填空题篇一 Building Trust in a Relationship Again Trust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences36 Trust is a riskBut you can’t be successful when there’s a lack of trust in a relat。

2、最好短文填空英语的办法是运用课余时间大量地摄入各类英语短文填空英语,包括英文报刊书籍英语剧广播英语角等拿我自己举个栗子, 说说 我课外都干短文填空英语了些什么高中三年课余可能看了有五六部美剧高一每周阅读定位为大学生的英文周报英文书。


3、关于高中英语短文填空题篇1 In the 1950s, a family that owned a farm near Beulah, Michigan kept a bull chained to an elm 榆树 The bull paced 31 the tree, dragging the heavy iron chain, which。

4、七年级下英语短文填空篇一 When Mr Smith got home from work, his flat would be clear and look as good as new, A d___ 1 dinner would be ready for him on the table After dinner, the robot would。

5、高中英语短文语法填空篇1 AWelcome to the Zhoukoudian caves here in ChinaIt is 61___ great pleasure to meet you students from England,who are interested in archaeologyYou must be aware that itrsquo。

6、短文填空也叫综合填空,其特点是将一篇短文中的若干个词抽出后,要求考生根据短文的意 思,在每个空格中填上一个词,使短文意思完整正确它是测试同学们理解能力及对词汇语法和习惯用法等的掌握情况的一种形式这是中考。

7、Once a man wanted to go fishing到河边是去钓鱼one side of a river to the otheronethe other固定词组 in a boat He has has to 不得不to take a sheep , a wolf and a basket。

8、“I think I shall do accordingly”“Very well How many animals do you have?”“A cow, a sheep and six chickens”“Take them all into the room with you Then come back a week later”Th。

9、1work我每天早上1000去上班有,由下文“I work until 300 可以看出 2at 在晚上at night固定说法,记住就可以了 3after 由下文的洗澡,吃饭,回家一系列活动可以知道是下班之后 4shower 下班之后洗个澡take a。

10、quotI#39m in need of help, or I#39ll go madWe#39re living in a small roommy children and my wife There are so many people They shout,jump and run in the room The room is really terrible。

11、Things are different in different countries If you go to Britain, it is a good idea to ask people there about good manners First of all, you should never talk about twothingsmoney and age You。

12、Failure is part of our life No matter what we do , there may always be two resultssuccess and failure There is no doubt毫无疑问,固定词组there is no doubt that that everyone of us wants to。

13、MrBrown had an umbrella shop in a small townPeople sometimes __gave__ him broken umbrellas,and then he took them to a big shop in Lindon __They___ were mended thereOne day MrBrown went to。

14、1,food 2,kinds 3,vegetables 4,good 5,too 6,for 7,healthy 8,much 9,favorite 10,coming这个不大确定,抱歉跪求采纳为满意答案。

15、I have _an__ English frend at school_His__ name is Tom He is elevenWe are not in the __same__ class ,__but__ we are in the same grade Tom#39s mother is a nice_woman___ ,she comes。

16、1when shaking hands__ in an english speaking country,you should use only your right hand It is not necessary to use both__ hands,even if the person you are shaking hands with much older__ than you。

17、One day a rich man _invitedasked_ his friends to a party and they drank a lof of wine At last there was only a pot of wine left Who could _drink_it ?They thought _out_ an idea and decided。

18、What is weather___likein China?Spring is cold___in most parts___of_ChinaIt usually comes__in__MarchSummer is often very hotIt lasts about three monthsThe hottest months are July and。



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