

my ideal job我的理想职业英语作文英语作文篇2 Different people have different ambitions When children study at school, they already have their own ideals Stone want to be engineers or doctors in the future;I have many ideals I want to work as a singer, stands on the stage sings for the people I want to work as a nurse, cure illness, brings the health for the people I want to work as a pilot;Everyone has his idealsA farmer looks forward to bumper harvestsA businessman dreams of huge profitsA student desires to learn more and better And everyone strives, in one way or another , to realize;作文1我的理想成为一名医生 My greatest ambition in life is to become a doctor I am fascinated by the idea of helping people who are suffering from various ailments As a doctor, I can offer medical;Ideal is the beacon of life navigation Because of ideal, people will strive for their ideal and work hard My ideal is to be an engineer of human soul and a hardworking gardener a teacherI want to。

The ideal, it is significant for me a clear direction for me, the teacher is our beacon, and the ideal, it can be said to be the end of the road In fact, when I was a child, I was different;话题英语作文 篇1 My favorite thingis freedombecause I can do everything for mine without thinking!“We do not stop playing because we are oldwe grow old because we stop playing”The secret to staying;我的梦想英语作文60字左右梦想是当英语老师 汉语 我的梦想我的梦想是当一名英语老师 我的梦想是当一名英语老师 之所以有这种想法,是因为我知道英语是全世界的通用语 我从小就很想出国旅游 出国旅游会见到很多的外国人,虽然;2我的理想英语作文范文 Everyone has his own ideals For example, young people want to study for the rise of China XX wants to build a house for the poor XXX wants to write a history book Of c。

不过,同学,希望你以后还是自己写,这样子英语成绩才会提高 I hope you can quotStudy hard and get good gradesquot我希望你可以“好好学习,天天向上” 一份关于未来计划的英语作文 给我你的邮箱我发给你pptThe Plan of MY FutureUntil;Only when you and I have ideals can tomorrow be so brilliant and brilliant! 2高二理想的英语作文 Ideal is a stone, knock out a spark Ideal is fire, light the extinguished lamp Ideal is a lamp to illuminate;话题英语作文600字 篇5 Ideals Everyone has his ideals A businessman wishes to make greater profit a farmer expects plumper harvests a student tries to learn more and better And However, one should be;作文一原文Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can come true People give up their dreams for this or that reason Those whose dreams become true have at least one thing in common。


1 作一篇关于理想的英文作文 Ideal, like the wings of the Eagles, if you have high ideals and willing to realize that ideal can fly with you on the other side of success, the glorious heights if you have a loft。

We must strive for our ideals 3我的理想工作英语作文 Some of the quotidealquot stories of my childhood have long been blurred, but this is not important The important thing is that I have come from my ideal to;my ideal lifestyleEveryone has their own dreams,I am the same But my dream is not a lawyer,not a doctor,not actors,not even an industryPerhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous,but。

写作思路可以写自己长大后想要成为一名老师,教书育人,培养祖国的花朵等等,避免语法使用的错误正文I have many ideals I want to work as a singer, stands on the stage sings for the people I want to;Travel will allow you to find the true meaning of life, to find their own ideals, their own direction旅行能让你明白,什么是歌中所唱的情感,于是所有你爱的歌曲你能更明白它的含义Travel can let you know。



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