

1、I love playing basketball He is my idol姚明是中国著名的篮球运动员他是如此的优秀,所以他在22岁的时候加入了他是我们中国的骄傲他在比赛中出色的表现一直激励着许多中国人他看起来很憨厚226米的身高与;Yao, September 12, 1980 Born in Shanghai, is the symbol and pride of Chinese basketball, serving China#39s national basketball team, has played for the Shanghai Sharks basketball club, currently playing for NBA。

2、he won the best basketball player in the CBA in 2001 Then he joined the Houston rockets of the NBA in 2002 翻译姚明生于1980年9月12日,在1988年他很年轻时开始打篮球,1997年,他加入了上海大鲨鱼队,并;翻译姚明生于1980年9月12日,在1988年他很年轻时开始打篮球,1997年,他加入了上海大鲨鱼队,并在接下来一年加入国家队之后,他赢得了cba的最佳篮球运动员称号,并于2002年时加盟了NBA中的休斯敦火箭队自己给你写的;from then on he practiced basketball everyday of his lifeHis success comes from his hard workHe also likes making friends with others姚明,一个伟大的篮球运动员,有来自世界各地的球迷他出生在1980,12th九月;Yao Ming, one of the greatest basketball players, has fans from all over the world He was born in 1980, 12th September in Shanghai His father is a common worker, who is very strict with him Yao;Since Yao Ming joined NBA in 2002 , the discussion about if he can be a super star has never been terminated As we know , Yao is a quite high and strong player in NBA And depending on his height;Mother Fang Feng Di tops 188 meters , is the seventies Chinese woman#39s basketball top players of a team During the period of fouryearold birthday of Yao Ming, he has got the first basketball Watch。

3、姚明是一位备受欢迎的中国篮球运动员他是前中国职业篮球运动员,司职中锋,现任亚洲篮球联合会主席中国篮球协会主席中职联公司董事长兼总经理,十三届全国青联副主席,改革先锋奖章获得者姚明于1980年9月12日出生于上海;按题目要求,描写姚明一日三餐吃的食物,用三种不同的表达方式描述吃什么东西的事情最后总结他很高,因为他喜欢吃健康食物,从不吃垃圾食品总字数53字很适合你的水平了Yao Ming is a very famouse basketball player;CBA上海队老板曾效力于中国国家篮球队,NBA火箭队2011年7月20日退役获7次NBA全明星,被美国时代周刊列入“世界最具影响力100人”,被中国体育总局授予“体育运动荣誉奖章”“中国篮球杰出贡献奖”姚明的价值在于;有关姚明的外貌描写的英语作文Yao Ming has a flat head and a Chinese character faceHe is eight feet long and has muscles all overUnder two thick eyebrows, there are a pair of bright eyes that will;YaoMing was born on Sep,12,1980 in Shanghai,ChinaHe has a height of 226 meters and a weight of 134kg He is the son of a basketball family,whose parents are both years old ,especially basketball;关于姚明的英语作文In April 1998, Yao Ming was selected into the national team coached by Wang Fei and began his basketball career In May, Yao Ming went to Indianapolis to participate in basketball training。


4、The chance finally came One day my father and I were playing basketball on the grass of century park when we saw Yao Ming brother and his teammates sitting in rows! I couldnt believe my eyes, a heart;Yao ming is one of the most famous basketball players in the worldHe began to play basketball at nine and revealed his natural gift for sportAt the age of 18,he became one of the members of the。



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