

1、篇一 The fast development of technology has made many changes in our daily life For the students in a public high school in Philadelphia未来的学校英语作文, the change is really great Their socalled “The School of the。

2、英语作文未来的学校,请参考In the future, schools will play an even more important role in nurturing and educating students The advancement of technology will bring revolutionary changes to the education system。

3、未来的学校的英语作文范文1 In the future,we neednt go to schoolwe can study on the Internet,in home can also studyTeacher teaches is on the Internet,tooBut,we also take money to teacherThis cant。

4、高中英语作文未来的学校范文三未来的学校 Everyone should go to school,But there are many diffierent school,Here is my drean school In that school,there is no teacherMany robots can teach you about your。

5、写作思路先写出自己对未来的畅享,然后写出未来的学校可能改变的样子正文With the development of science and technology, our world has become more and more magical, our motherland is more and more developed。

6、school,But there are many diffierent school,Here is my drean schoolIn that school,there is no teacherMany robots can teach you about your lessons,YOU needn#39t take books with you ,you can use your comp。

7、My school in 2050 英语作文With rapid progress of science and technology ,our life has changed a lot I think the school life in the future will be quite different from now First I think the students。

8、It took the School District of Philadelphia $ 63 million to build the “one of the most advanced high schools” It is free and has no entrance exams All the 170 students were picked by an open lottery。


9、以下是三篇以我理想中的学校为题的英语作文,供大家参考第一篇英语作文 写作思路这篇作文首先介绍未来的学校英语作文了主题,然后从四个方面阐述了理想中的学校应该具备的特点在结论部分,重申了这些特点的重要性,并强调学校应该创造。

10、Many times I imagined our future , would become very famous and successful, but I think this should be, because our school reputation and teaching have been nice,the school#39s landscape and planning。

11、老师们将不再需要去学校上班,因为他们可以通过万维网教给学生 Life in the future will be much more wonderful than now, I think it will e true 未来的生活会比现在更美好,我想这会成为现实 英语作文未来生活。



14、注来点悬赏 未来的学校 我们的学校都有不同的设施但是,未来的学校会有什么样的设施呢 我觉得教室里应该放魔法扫帚出场几把能自己扫地的扫帚,还需要一个垃圾桶,垃圾桶会吃垃圾,吃掉的垃圾都变成了新的白纸。




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