

活动地点学校报告厅 讲座内容1经验丰富的王老师演讲并指导如何养成好的学习习惯2 自由交流该如何应对学习困难 注意事项希望高一全体同学准时参加,不要缺席以上活动内容,请各位同学知悉,特此通知 校学生会 8月4号。

comparing prices, checking different locations on maps and blogs, finding flights and reading about t。

这次展览将会举行于我校报告厅用英语表达This exhibition will be held in the lecture hall of our school注完全没有问题,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳。

Keep healthy and stay away from flu In order to strengthen students#39 understanding of flu and prevent from getting a flu, we held a theme lecturequotkeep healthy and stay away from fluquot on 5th, June。

Dec XXth From joozonecom我们学校将举行一次英语口语演讲比赛,目的是为了改善同学们的英语口语水平以及创造一个良好的对话平台环境口语演讲比赛在我们学校的×楼××室12月×日下午×点×分举行The first three。

Secretary of the room, the school office, the reception room, small meeting rooms, place, acteq large meeting room, of the house of the staff, showroom, party member activity room, the young pioneers office。

lecture hall 1 Scientific Report worldwide experts and audiences will show their latest research achievements学术报告厅 汇集海内外著名专家读者,展示最新研究成果和学术思想的大型科教节目2 Please pass out。


部分学校设施的英文单词如下1,School desk 课桌 2,Blackboard 黑板 3,Black eraser 黑板擦 4,Lawn 草地 5,Eruptive fountain 喷泉 6,Classroom 教室 7,Platform 讲台 8,hall of residence 学校公寓 9。

教师学生阅览室 Reading RoomTS报告厅 Lecture Hall会议室 Meeting HallRoom党员活动室 CCP Room教工之家活动室 Teachers’ Home少先队队室 YP Room心理咨询室 Psychologica。

Our school will hold the English speech contest, the time is four pm to five pm on December 23rd in the afternoon, the place in the school two floor hall, want a player in each class, the requirement。



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