

what do you eat for lunch? eat have 都可以中午吃什么英语;午餐是指一天中用于供应中午饭的时间和食品,是全球各地的日常活动之一在英语中,午餐通常被称为“lunch”以下是关于“lunch”以及其相关表达的详细介绍lunch lunch是指中午进食的一餐饭菜,通常在工作日的中间休息时间。

I eat lots of healthy foodfor breakfast,I like eggs,bananas and applesfor lunch,I like hamburgers,salad and pearsAnd for dinner,I have chicken,tomatoes,French fries and,For dessert,ice cream不可以么;lunch,英语单词,主要用作名词及物动词不及物动词,作名词时意为“午餐”,作及物动词时意为“吃午餐供给午餐”,作不及物动词时意为“吃午餐供给午餐”英式读音l#652nt#643美式读音l#652nt#。

What did you eat for lunch?中午吃什么英语你中午吃什么了你中午吃的什么。



2、I ofen have milk and eggs for breakfastI think it#39s good for usI like to have vegetables,fish,chicken,and a bowl of rice for lunchI like fish very much,because it#39s very healthy and delicious for。

3、What‘s for lunch today今天中午吃什么What do you have for lunch today你今天中午吃了什么What would you like for lunch today你今天中午想吃什么。

4、手打,望采纳 问题三中午一起吃饭 英文怎么说 Let#39s have lunch together或者How about havi处g luch together?不过这句话翻译过来是中午一起吃饭怎么样问题四你今天中午吃的什么饭用英语怎么说谢谢了。

5、该句是疑问词what引导的特殊疑问句疑问词what后跟一般疑问句结构,即助动词do+主语you+动词原形 like+其他 for lunchfor lunch 是quot吃午饭quot的表达,此处for表目的what引导的特殊疑问句是英语中常见的疑问句what意为。

6、望采纳 问题六“中午打算吃什么”用英语怎么说 what are you going to have for lunch 问题七用英语话问quot你中午吃什么东西quot该怎么说? What did you haveeat for your lunch希望对你有帮助~问题八午饭。

7、what did you have for lunch?吃饭,吃东西,英语里很少用eat,而是have。


8、大家说英语杰克中午吃什么?What Is Jack Going to Get for Lunch?你那天中午吃了什么这么厉害?B What did you eat for lunch that day?“与其问孩子们中午吃了什么,”__高说,“家长们还不如问问他们下个周末有什。


您好早上喜欢吃蛋糕,中午喜欢吃米饭加鱼肉,晚上喜欢吃面条加鸡蛋Like to eat the cake in the morning, at noon like to eat rice and fish, at night like to eat noodles and eggs。

答案是what do we have for lunch ? 或者是what are we going to have for lunch ?~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳~。

quot你中午吃什么东西quot的英语是1What did you have for lunch?问的是刚刚过去的中午吃过什么2What will you have for lunch问的是即将到来的中午想吃什么午餐宜忌1午餐两忌 1忌以碳水化合物为主。



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