

1 车位已满 车位未满 There is no more parking space Parking Full There is still parking vacancy 2 车位已经不多了,你赶快去停车吧There isn#39t much parking space left You#39d better车位英语;习惯性表达翻译即在翻译时应按照英语的习惯, 而不能根据中文的字面意思进行生硬的翻译如车位已满“occupied” , 已预定“reserved” , 暂停服务请谅解“ Temporarily closed sorry for the inconvenience” , 电梯维修 ;bumper of the car in front of me车位英语我把车从车位开出来时,蹭到了前面那辆车的后保险杠5Air Intake进气口The air intake must be silenced to some degree进气口的噪声太大,必须在一定程度上加以消除;5 The parking lot is full, please don#39t enter You may find other places to park your vehicles6 I am standing downstairs right from where you live now7 I was passing by downstairs from your home。


车库英语单词garage读作#712ɡ#230rɑ#720#658车库,一般是指人们用来停放汽车的地方同时在欧美,车库是摇滚音乐的一种曲风,代表乐队是香蕉猴子乐队传统车库即为砖混土建车库,类似于房屋也称机械式;There are still 5 seats available这种场合,available的应用是最正宗的看看外企的会议室,能用的话,状态就是available。

parking space 停车位,跟车位是一个意思;3 5 严格禁用生僻词汇英语公示语的词汇选择非常重视公众化, 严格避免使用生僻词语古语俚语术语,如 No Littering 请勿乱扔废弃物Occupied 厕所 有人Detour 绕行Fragile 小心易碎PrivateParking 专用车位Delayed 航班;停车场常用英语警示语 导语停车场指的是供停放车辆使用的场地下面是我收集整理的有关停车场常用的英语警示语,欢迎参考!Car park front and rear前后停车 Cars parked here without permission will be clamped 未经允许;停车用英语可以说为quotparkingquot1常见用法Parking是表示停车的最常见词汇,既可以作为动词使用,也可以作为名词例如,quotI parked my car in the parking lotquot我把车停在停车场里2相关短语Park the car将。

篇一停车场英语口语常用句型 This is guest#39s car parkSir,this way,please这里是来客停车场先生,请这边开If you are the guest of our restaurant,it is free如果您是这里的顾客就免费And just show;停车位用英语是parking 例子1ItisverydifficultinBeijingtofindfreeparkingIwouldsayin9outoftencasesyouwillhavetopay北京很难找到免费停车位我敢说十个里面有九个你都是要付费的2Carsallowed,butparkingislimited;答在公共场所使用大写的“P”表示停车场,而写上完整的词语“parking lot”的可能的原因一个是没有必要,大家都知道那带包什么意思一个是不方便,在一块牌子上写上两个英文单词很拥挤的但是,当你写英文句子的时。

No stopping at any time 任何时间不准停车 No thoroughfare 禁止通行 No tGuest#39s car park 来客停车场 Limited parking 停车位有限 No parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车No parking except for loading。

In yesterday#39s conversation,i meant that there were a lot of parking spaces in Shanghai,but cars were much more than that,that was why parking spaces were not enough。

标签: 车位英语


