


After graduation from the university to further my study or to work? In general, in any case, you will have to pay some opportunity cost The socalled #39cannot have it both ways#39 that is the truth T。

以下是我为大家整理的英语作文读研On Attending Graduate College,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友It is a prevailing trend that an increasing number of students choose to continue their study by attendi。

我们都知道对于雇佣者来说知识工作经验都是很重要的而且一些企业对于经验是比较偏爱的因此,我认为大学生放弃读研的行为是读研还是工作英语作文他们为自己的职业生涯做的另一种准备Secondly, competition will not disappear forever As the。

First, it is the demand of the time In an age of knowledge updating and information explosion, what you have learned in college can hardly meet the demand of society Talents of high quality who are equi。

Working experience or an advanceddegree? Well, I believe diverse people have different answers As for me, I will say working experience without hesitate Here are following reasonsAbove of all, most of job。

The main reason is that students#39 study will be delayed and disadvantagedThe academic knowledge of students will not progressIn this special period of life,students have the best memory and intellectIf they。

工作经验重要还是知识重要英语作文 Of all the knowledge we have, some es from the books we read, some es from personal experience in our lives Different people attach different importance to different sources The。


英语作文高三毕业后是上大学还是找工作This really depends on your own situation Normally, you should have further education as it is necessary in the current society You can’t have good job without。



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